Ravagers Organization in Ninurta Galaxy | World Anvil


Ravagers are not a singular group but a diverse collection of individuals with various motivations and methods of survival. Some may be pirates, preying on shipping and coastal settlements, while others may be bandits, attacking travelers and merchants on land. Some may band together as militias for mutual protection and defense, while others may be nomads, traveling from place to place in search of resources and opportunities. Still, others may be cultists, following a charismatic leader or religious figure with extreme beliefs and practices.   Regardless of their specific form, most ravagers have one thing in common: they live in lawless, primitive conditions, surviving in a harsh environment where external threats abound. As a result, they are often forced into stressful situations that bring out the worst in them, leading some to become ruthless and violent.   Over time, these ravager groups may develop their own social norms, hierarchies, and economies, relying on scavenging, raiding, and trading to meet their basic needs. Some may be content to live on the fringes of society, while others may seek confrontation with established authorities, launching full-scale invasions to conquer and control entire regions.   Overall, the variety of ravagers in your fictional setting adds depth and complexity to the world-building, creating a rich ecosystem of survival groups, each with their own strengths, weaknesses, and quirks.
Illicit, Other


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