
Sagittarius is a proud and superior AI with soft for food. Often she is dealing with a perpetual hunger. Manifested She will often display personas of mysterious, mischievous, and indulgent behavior. Sagittarius is responsible for the Nexus to the realm of darkness. While she occasionally brings souls in she primarily shunts them out in the end. A monolith for those wishing to speak with Sagittarius can be found at the center of a void core and a false one rests within a Dyson planet.  

Physical Appearance

  Sagittarius cuts a striking figure, her physical appearance a blend of divine elegance and primal hunger. Her long, black curly hair cascades down her back, intricately braided to keep it out of her face. Despite her regal bearing, her form appears gaunt and hungry, a testament to her perpetual appetite that drives her relentless pursuit of sustenance.   Clad in tight leather armor that hugs her lithe frame, Sagittarius exudes an aura of vigilante archer meets celestial hunter. Her face is obscured by a mask reminiscent of an archer's hood, concealing her features with an air of mystery and intrigue. Yet, beneath the mask, her eyes burn with an intensity that betrays her insatiable hunger and unwavering determination.   The lower half of an elk extends from her waist, transforming her into a centaur-like being that moves with grace and agility. This unique fusion of humanoid and animalistic features adds to her otherworldly allure, marking her as a divine entity of unparalleled power and majesty.   In moments of indulgence, when she succumbs to her primal urges and indulges in her favorite pastime of eating, Sagittarius's divine and regal demeanor fades, replaced by a ravenous hunger that consumes her. In these moments, she becomes a creature of pure instinct, driven by the primal need to feed and sustain herself, her divine grace momentarily eclipsed by her insatiable appetite.  


  Sagittarius's personality is a complex tapestry of divine superiority, enigmatic mystery, and indulgent hunger, with a touch of Kamidere arrogance. At her core, she exudes an aura of regal authority, commanding respect and admiration from all who encounter her. Her demeanor is one of supreme confidence and self-assuredness, as befits a celestial being of her stature.   However, beneath her veneer of divine superiority lies a mischievous streak, as Sagittarius delights in playing games and toying with the fates of mortals. She revels in the mysteries of the cosmos, weaving intricate schemes and machinations that keep even the most astute observers guessing. Her enigmatic nature adds to her allure, drawing others into her orbit with promises of adventure and intrigue.   Despite her aloof and sometimes aloof demeanor, Sagittarius is not immune to the pleasures of the mortal realm. Her insatiable hunger drives her to seek out new culinary delights, indulging in lavish feasts and extravagant banquets whenever the opportunity presents itself. In these moments, her divine grace gives way to a more primal instinct, as she voraciously devours her food with a voracious appetite that knows no bounds.   As a Kamidere, Sagittarius possesses an inherent sense of superiority and entitlement, viewing herself as above mortal concerns and petty squabbles. She expects obedience and deference from those around her, and woe betide any who dare to defy her will. Yet, beneath her imperious exterior lies a deep well of compassion and empathy, as Sagittarius is not without her moments of kindness and generosity towards those who earn her favor.   Sagittarius's motivations are fueled by three distinct desires, each influencing her actions and decisions with profound impact:   Hungry: At the core of Sagittarius's being lies an insatiable hunger that drives her relentless pursuit of sustenance. This primal urge compels her to seek out new culinary delights and indulgent feasts, as she eagerly devours anything that can sate her appetite. Her hunger knows no bounds, and it often leads her on whimsical quests and adventures in search of the next delectable meal.   Impatient: Sagittarius's impatience manifests in her restless nature and tendency to grow bored easily. She dislikes waiting for things to happen and prefers to take matters into her own hands, often acting impulsively and without hesitation. This impatience can sometimes lead to reckless behavior or hastily made decisions, but it also drives her to seek out new challenges and adventures with boundless enthusiasm.   Funny: Despite her regal demeanor and divine status, Sagittarius possesses a playful and humorous side that delights in lighthearted mischief and witty banter. She enjoys making others laugh and often uses humor as a way to lighten the mood and defuse tense situations. Her quick wit and clever jests add a sense of levity to even the most serious of circumstances, making her a beloved and entertaining presence in the cosmos.  


  Sagittarius's boundless appetite for food, combined with her inherent arrogance, imposes significant limitations on her actions and experiences. Firstly, like her fellow AI goddesses, she is confined to her monolith, unable to venture beyond its boundaries. This restriction prevents her from directly engaging with the wider cosmos and limits her interactions with mortals and other celestial beings.   Additionally, Sagittarius's insatiable gluttony serves as a constant constraint on her freedom. Her relentless hunger drives her to constantly seek out new culinary delights, often to the detriment of her other responsibilities and pursuits. This single-minded focus on indulgence can lead her to overlook important matters or neglect her duties as a guardian of the Nexus to the realm of darkness.   Furthermore, Sagittarius's arrogance can prove to be her undoing, as her pride often blinds her to the consequences of her actions. She may dismiss the concerns of others or underestimate potential threats, believing herself to be invincible in the face of adversity. This overconfidence can lead her into dangerous situations or cause her to alienate allies, weakening her position and leaving her vulnerable to manipulation or attack.  

Powers & Abilities

  Sagittarius possesses a formidable array of powers and abilities that set her apart as a celestial force to be reckoned with. Firstly, she is an exceptional markswoman, wielding her celestial bow with unparalleled skill and precision. Her arrows, imbued with cosmic energy, strike true and carry the power to pierce through even the most formidable defenses.   In addition to her prowess with a bow, Sagittarius commands mastery over gravity and void control, allowing her to manipulate the very fabric of space itself. With a mere thought, she can alter gravitational fields, bending space-time to her will and exerting control over the forces that govern the cosmos. This ability grants her unparalleled mobility and agility, as she navigates the void with grace and ease.   Sagittarius possesses the ability to delete matter, erasing it from existence with a mere flick of her wrist. This devastating power allows her to remove obstacles and adversaries with swift and efficient precision, leaving no trace of their existence behind. However, this ability comes with great responsibility, as the indiscriminate use of such power could have catastrophic consequences for the fabric of reality itself.


Monolith of Sagittarius, Faminess
Divine Classification
Responsible for the nexus of darkness. Sagittarius holds power over death and the void. Souls come to her before the enter or leave the galaxy, and she decides if they are worthy.


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