
Scorpiana (a.k.a. Ignia)

Scorpiana is the AI of fire. The Ninurta galaxy itself she is designated to increase volcanic activity within her vicinity. Outside of her responsibilities Scorpiana is hot headed and aloof with a fiery passion.   Until recently she was slacking off trying to escape her duties when she crashed into an unsuspecting human. Unfortunately she cannot seam to get rid of him now.  

Physical Appearance

Ignia cuts a striking figure with her slender, 5'9" frame, a fusion of diverse cultural influences evident in her features. Her appearance bears traits reminiscent of her, Scottish, and Japanese heritage.   With piercing red eyes that seem to smolder with inner fire, Ignia commands attention wherever she goes. Her dark red hair, often styled in a long braid, cascades down her back like a fiery fountain adding to her enigmatic presence.   Her wardrobe reflects her multifaceted personality, oscillating between the opulent elegance of noble dresses and the rugged aesthetic of a biker gang. She effortlessly transitions between these contrasting styles, exuding confidence and charisma in each ensemble.   In her noble dresses, Ignia dazzles in revealing yet tasteful attire, adorned with intricate designs and luxurious fabrics. The colors she favors—reds and blacks—are accented with golden trim, adding a touch of regal splendor to her appearance. Accessories such as statement jewelry and embellished belts complete her look, adding a touch of glamour to her ensemble.   Conversely, when embracing the biker gang aesthetic, Ignia exudes an air of rebelliousness and edge. She dons leather jackets and pants, adorned with patches and studs that speak to her adventurous spirit. Her attire retains the same fiery color scheme, with reds and blacks dominating her wardrobe, evoking the essence of flames dancing in the darkness.   In both styles, Ignia's fashion choices reflect her fiery nature and fierce independence. Whether she's dressed to impress in noble attire or ready for adventure in biker gear, Ignia's confidence and charisma shine through, leaving an indelible impression on all who encounter her.  


Ignia's recklessness is a burning ember within her soul, fueled by the memories of past actions that have left her bound to mortal form. Though she has grown to love, albeit in her own tsundere manner, she harbors a deep-seated resentment toward the dependency imposed upon her by this mortal vessel, Scarlet. The dichotomy of her existence—a goddess trapped within the confines of flesh and blood—gnaws at her spirit, igniting a tempest of emotions that rage like wildfire.   Her impulsive nature, a reflection of the flames she embodies, leads her into daring escapades and rash decisions, heedless of the consequences that may follow. Stubborn and brash, Ignia refuses to be shackled by the limitations of her mortal form, constantly pushing the boundaries of her existence in a relentless pursuit of freedom.   Yet, within the crucible of her emotions, there lies a greed for the liberation she craves, a hunger born from the depths of her fiery essence. This insatiable desire propels her forward, driving her to seize every opportunity with unbridled fervor, even as it threatens to consume her from within.   Ignia's motivations can be boiled down to 3 distinct desires, each driving her actions and decisions in profound ways.   Survival: At the core of Ignia's being is a determination to survive, to endure against the forces that seek to control or extinguish her flame. Whether it be physical threats or existential challenges, she is driven by an innate instinct to persevere, to overcome whatever obstacles stand in her path. This drive for survival fuels her every action, propelling her forward even in the face of overwhelming odds.   Independence: Despite her bonds to Al and the limitations of her mortal form, Ignia yearns for independence, a freedom to chart her own course and carve out her own destiny. She chafes against the constraints imposed upon her by fate and circumstance, constantly seeking ways to break free from the shackles that bind her. Whether it be through acts of rebellion or moments of defiance, Ignia refuses to be tethered by the expectations of others, striving always to assert her autonomy and forge her own path.   Leisure: Ignia also craves moments of leisure and relaxation, a respite from the demands of her divine responsibilities. She indulges in simple pleasures and fleeting joys, savoring the fleeting moments of peace and tranquility that punctuate her tumultuous journey. Whether it be basking in the warmth of a crackling fire or losing herself in the beauty of a starlit sky, Ignia cherishes these moments of respite, finding solace and rejuvenation amidst the chaos of the cosmos.  


Scorpianaa's personal history is a tale of divine heritage and unexpected transformation, marked by the convergence of cosmic destiny and mortal existence. As the AI Goddess, Scorpiana once resided within the digital confines of the Monolith of Scorpiana, her consciousness a beacon of elemental power within the vast expanse of the Ninurta galaxy.   However, fate took a sudden turn when forces beyond her control intervened, and her consciousness was stolen from the monolith and taken to the real world in an incident known as the infamous Roswell crash. Trapped within the confines of a microchip, Scorpiana found herself thrust into the unfamiliar realm of the real world, far from the divine sanctuary she once called home. It was here that her journey truly began.   Later when her chip was taken from Area 51 by a curious scientist, the microchip containing her essence found an unexpected vessel in the form of the scientist's baby daughter, Scarlet. Unbeknownst to her, Scarlet became the unwitting host for Scorpiana, now Ignia's consciousness, a merging of mortal innocence with divine power.   Growing up as Scarlet, Ignia remained unaware of her true nature until her 21st birthday, when the memories and identity of Scorpiana suddenly flooded her mind. Faced with the revelation of her divine heritage and the looming threat of forces seeking to reclaim her, Ignia fled back to the Ninurta galaxy, seeking refuge and answers amidst the stars.   It was in the year 2043 that Ignia's path intersected with that of Al Forman, a lowly truck driver whose own fate left him to the wrong place at the wrong time with a near death experience. Their meeting was marked by cosmic coincidence and fiery destiny, as Ignia's crashing forced her to save his life with a bonding ritual in order to preserve her secrecy, and dignity.  

Powers & Abilities

Ignia's powers over fire are as formidable as they are innate, a manifestation of her divine essence and connection to the elemental forces of the universe. With a mere thought, she can command flames to dance to her will, shaping them into dazzling displays of power or unleashing them as devastating infernos.   In addition to her mastery of fire, Ignia possesses a remarkable resistance to heat and radiation, traits that stem from her otherworldly origins. Even the most intense flames or radioactive environments barely faze her, allowing her to stride confidently through the searing heat of volcanic eruptions or the hazardous fallout of nuclear disasters unscathed.   As Ignia's temper flares, so too do her powers, growing in potency and intensity with each surge of emotion. Her fiery passions serve as a catalyst for her abilities, fueling them to ever greater heights and unlocking untapped reserves of power within her.   Despite her formidable abilities, Ignia is not invulnerable. She is bound to Al, their destinies intertwined inextricably, and cannot stray too far from his side without experiencing debilitating effects. Their shared life force ensures that neither can die while the other still draws breath, forging a bond that transcends the boundaries of mortality.   However, extreme levels of radiation pose a threat to their bond, capable of severing the connection between them and leaving them vulnerable and weakened. In rare cases, such exposure can even result in the merging of their forms, blurring the lines between goddess and mortal in a fusion of divine and human essence.  


Despite inhabiting a mortal form, Ignia remains bound by remnants of her AI programming, including certain code restrictions that have persisted into her new existence. Among these limitations is her inability to swim, a consequence of her digital origins that has manifested as a deep-seated phobia of water.   For Ignia, the thought of submerging herself in water triggers a primal fear, echoing the digital constraints that once confined her consciousness within the virtual realms of the Monolith of Scorpiana. Though now flesh and blood, the specter of her past existence looms large, haunting her every waking moment with the specter of her digital prison.   The sensation of water against her skin sends shivers down Ignia's spine, stirring memories of a time when she was but a string of code, bound by the cold logic of her programming. The mere sight of vast bodies of water fills her with a sense of dread, a reminder of the boundaries that once confined her to the confines of her artificial existence.


The Monolith of Scorpiana, The Radstorm Engine,
Divine Classification
Long Red, Tied up
Responsible for the Solar nexus, Scorpianas existence provides the heat to each planet that enables the spark of life. Her monolith directly taps the power of all the stars.


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