Storm Engine Organization in Ninurta Galaxy | World Anvil

Storm Engine

Storm Engine is a powerful and influential organization that specializes in the extraction of valuable resources from gas giants. Using advanced technology and a skilled workforce, Storm Engine harvests the powerful and volatile gases from gas giants to create high-quality fuels that power some of the most advanced starships in the galaxy.   The organization is headquartered on a massive orbital station above various gas giants, where it oversees all of its extraction operations. The station is heavily fortified and equipped with advanced defenses to protect against attacks from rival factions and hostile forces.   Storm Engine employs a large number of workers and engineers, who are highly skilled in the extraction and processing of gases from gas giants. These workers often work long and grueling shifts, as the process of harvesting gas is both dangerous and physically demanding.   Despite the risks and challenges of their work, Storm Engine is highly profitable and influential, with many governments and organizations relying on their fuels to power their starships. However, the organization is also known for its ruthless tactics and willingness to do whatever it takes to maintain its dominance in the gas harvesting industry, including sabotage and even assassination of its rivals.
Corporation, Transportation


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