The Suli are a remarkable race of star-faring beings who are descended from Djinni. They are known for their impressive size and their ability to harness the power of the stars for their own purposes. The Suli are often seen as a proud and powerful people, with a deep connection to their ancestral heritage.
Physically, the Suli are typically large in size, with muscular frames and towering heights that often make them stand out among other races. Their skin is often adorned with intricate patterns and designs, representing their connection to the stars and the cosmos. They have piercing eyes that seem to glow with an otherworldly energy, adding to their mysterious and otherworldly appearance.
The Suli are renowned for their mastery of technology, particularly in the field of space travel. They possess advanced starships that are capable of faster-than-light travel, allowing them to explore the farthest reaches of the galaxy. Their knowledge of the stars also allows them to navigate through space with incredible accuracy and speed, making them some of the most skilled pilots in the galaxy.
Despite their technological prowess, the Suli also possess a deep spiritual connection to the cosmos. They believe that all things in the universe are interconnected, and they seek to understand the mysteries of the universe through their study of the stars. This spiritual connection has led many Suli to become powerful mystics and magicians, capable of manipulating the very fabric of reality itself.
Many consider themselves protectors of the ancient secrets of the universe.