The Uplifted

Uplifted have a wide range of physical characteristics, depending on their original animal form. Some have been modified to walk on two legs, while others remain quadrupedal. Their size can also vary greatly, from small rodents to massive predators. Despite their diverse appearances, uplifted share a remarkable intelligence that sets them apart from their mundane counterparts. They are capable of complex problem-solving, critical thinking, and even artistic expression.   Uplifted society is structured around the concept of mentorship, with older and more experienced uplifted taking younger members of their species under their wing to pass down knowledge and skills. This mentor-mentee relationship is highly respected, and breaking it is seen as a great betrayal. Uplifted are also fiercely protective of their own kind, and violence against another uplifted is met with swift and severe punishment.   Despite their intelligence and advanced society, uplifted are still viewed with suspicion and fear by many other species. Some view them as unnatural abominations, while others see them as potential threats to their own dominance. As a result, many uplifted choose to keep a low profile, hiding their true intelligence and abilities from outsiders. But there are also those who seek to rise up against their oppressors and claim their rightful place in the galaxy.
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