Urog Ethnicity in Ninurta Galaxy | World Anvil


Urogs are a fascinating species, with their crystalline bodies and unique method of consuming nutrients. Their appearance can be deceptive, as they float along in their everyday mode like hovercrafts, their limbs hidden by their shimmering shell-scales. However, when in engagement mode, they rear up and unfold their multiple sets of articulated limbs, revealing their true strength and power.   They are highly intelligent creatures, with a laser-like focus on unlocking the galaxy's most esoteric mathematical and scientific secrets. Urogs spend countless hours working on mathematical problems and conducting enigmatic experiments, often becoming single-minded in finding the most efficient solution to a problem.   Urogs are sought-after astrogators, consultants, engineers, and scientists, but their brusque personality and lack of social niceties can make it challenging to work with them. They have little appreciation for small talk or social conventions, and their emotions revolve primarily around the satisfaction of solving a problem.   Despite their strengths, urogs cannot leave their home world due to biological limitations. Those who choose lives of adventure often do so because they believe mathematical and scientific secrets hide in pockets of the galaxy that cannot be observed from their limited vantage point on a small moon. However, without the special properties of their planet, they are rendered immobile.
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