
The Vlaka are a wolf-like species that migrated to an arctic world after being enhanced from regular wolves on their planet of origin. Their thick fur, usually white with patches of pale blue, gray, or black, protects them from the cold, but around two-thirds of Vlakas are born blind or deaf. While they have access to magic and technology that can remove these conditions, many choose to keep them, valuing the cultural touchstones associated with differing ways of sensing the world.   Vlakas are serious and emphasize the well-being of the group over the individual, a survival strategy that evolved from their harsh environment. They are deeply attuned to the emotional state of others and offer friendly encouragement when they sense it might be helpful. They respect wisdom and frown upon self-aggrandizing leadership. While some may withdraw to work with animals or machines, most seek out well-intentioned groups of like-minded starfarers to make a positive impact in a galaxy that can be callous and brutal.   Overall, the Vlaka are a fiercely loyal and compassionate species with a deep sense of community and a desire to make a difference in the universe.
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