Yoru Kitsune Character in Ninurta Galaxy | World Anvil

Yoru Kitsune

Yoru Kitsune (a.k.a. Haruka Fujimoto)

Yoru Kitsune is the Android Operative that woke up a hero in another world. Yoru was granted the boon of Appraisal. In this new life Yoru is still fresh and yet to take a real shape as to who they were.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Yoru Kitsune's physical appearance is the cybernetic modified likeness of Asa Earhart the daughter of the old hero who died at the hands of a traitor. One could say the physical frame, long black hair and red eyes made for a perfect match except for the younger body and mechanical frames that make it obvious these individuals are not the same entity.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Haru is a programmer for the company Koon Tech. To be specific, he is a game developer/programmer for the game Alien Online. Haru’s life completely revolves around AO. He is either at work working on AO, or at home playing AO with his guild TIE, The Isekai Evolution. TIE is a hardcore guild for players who want to play AO at the highest level. Members of this guild have maxed gear, challenge the hardest raids, and utilize the most efficient skill rotations/combos. Haru is the guild leader of TIE. Haru is in-game friends with Donovan and Ada’s character. They have never met in person, but they play the game together every day and every night.   Haru does not have any close family nearby. Haru lives in Japan by himself. His mother died when he was young, and his father (Sato Fujimoto) has been living out of the country traveling the world for work (business tycoon). They have a good relationship, but they don’t see each other or talk often - they are both busy with their own lives.   Besides his father, Haru doesn’t have many close in-person friends besides a few coworkers, who of course, also play AO. Koji is Haru’s closest coworker friend. They work on the same developer team together and also play together outside of work. They are not in the same guild, Koji loves the game, but doesn’t want to be in a hardcore guild. Even though he is not an official guild member, he is an honorary guild member and often joins the guild for more casual content.   Haru’s Isekai moment. The Isekai moment took place in his office overnight. He was spending the night in the office (like he has done many times) because of big project deadlines. He went to bed late at night, around 3 or 4am, and then woke up in the other world.   Haru’s in-game character name is Yoru Kitsune. After reincarnation, this is the name he will be using primarily.


Contacts & Relations

  • Isekai Evolution (Guild)
  • Star Pact
  • Black Star Syndicate
  • People
  • Kita - Training Teacher
  • Honorary & Occupational Titles
    Black Star Syndicate Initiate Level 1.
    Skin Tone/Pigmentation
    150 lbs
    Aligned Organization


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