Order of the Ancients Organization in Niophus | World Anvil
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Order of the Ancients

Protect and live. This is the main drive behind the members of the Order. After the final battle of the Invasion of Odun, the few godkin that survived, hid in the deep forests and great mountains of the north. But if left unopposed, the inquisition hunting parties will find the survivors sooner or later. To avoid this, the druid Fenmaris gathered the remains of his race and formed the Order of the Ancients. Using their shapeshifting powers, the Order infiltrated the Empire as trader, civilians and even as administrators and soldiers, so they can spread missinformation and confusion, missdirecting the hunters and reinforcing the lie that all godkin have died in the final battle.


To this day, centuries after its formation, the members of the Order continue to work from the shadows to keep the existance of the godkin only in myths. The shapeshifting druid race still makes the majority of the Order members, as all but a few druids are part of it. But today there are many members from the other races as well, even some humans. The other godkin races lack the shapeshifting abilities of the druids and can not infiltrate directly, but they can use their own magic over nature to hide the secret and make the deep forests unsuitable for humans, by manipulating the animals and the weather to make access to the deep parts of the forest hard or by changing the forest's paths to confuse travelers.
While the few human members can help the druids directly with the infiltration and missinformation.
What unites the members of the order is the desire to protect the godkin races and hate for the Empire.
The members of the Order are nicknamed Protectors
Nowdays there are two subgroups within the Order- the Peacekeepers and the Liberators


Calling themselves peacekeepers and led by the druid Ronan, they believe in the old ways of misdirection and hiding as the best way to protect the godkin. Any direct approach against the Empire is a risk they can not take. Most members of the order follow this subgroup.


Calling themselves liberators and led by the human Lucas, they believe that the Empire is plagued by stagnation and corruption, making it much more weaker than it used to be.
Taking in consideration the rising population of the godkin races, the liberator think that now is the perfect opportunity to start a war and retake the continent of Odun. This subgroup is followed mainly by the non-druid races, but some druids follow it as well. At the moment its much smaller than the Peacekeepers, but its members are increasing daily.
Alternative Names

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