
Curious how some people walk weeks through a searing hot desert just to honour a god. I have to admire the perseverence but I am glad that I can fly if it would want to visit there.
— High Sage Syronikir
  Deep in the southern part of the Volker Desert a settlement can be found hidden between rock formation. Because of these high cliffs surrounding it Andoria is protected from the hardest of desert winds while also receiving lots of shadow.   The most important aspect of the city is, however, its temple dedicated to the god Bethir. As this is believed to be the site where the god was born many pilgrims travel many days through the harsh desert just to visit the temple.

by kefkejaco with Inkarnate

Extra Information

Founding Date
End of Avaronian Era
Andoria is located within several canyons in the southern Volker Desert
10 600
Primary Races
Humans, Gnomes, Draconids
Known for
Temple of Bethir, rock cut buildings
Avg. Temperature
29 °C




  The place where Andoria was built always had a significance to the people of the desert. According to Misiran mythology, the location was the birthplace of Bethir, the god of earth, crops and fertility. Before his arrival the gods Aster and Nuvi, goddess of rain, made the place their home. Aster was at this time the god of earth. But soon things took a turn for the worst as Aster was bitten by a venomous snake and perished.   Nuvi was inconsolable and cried entire rivers of tears, flooding the region in the process. Over the years the frequent floods of Nuvi's tears created the canyons of today. But one day the strangest thing occurred. A small seed grew from the remains of Aster and from this seed came the largest fruit in the world. Nuvi was curious, cut open the fruit and was perplexed when Bethir emerged.  

by kefkejaco with midjourney

by kefkejaco with midjourney


  The first to settle in Kevarim after the defeat of the Selefer were the Draconids. The founding of the precursor settlement to Andoria, however, only happened several centuries later. They built the first settlement and temple but the settlement was mostly abandoned when the Dragon Scourge hit.   At the end of the Avaronian Era new interest in the region arose as the city of Safir to the north grew. Pilgrims started to come from that city to the place where Bethir was born. Up until then only a small group of remanants tended to the temple while the rest of the ancient settlement fell into ruin. With new interest, however, the settlement was once more populated and became known as Andoria.  


  As the city grew it became clear that new methods had to developed to sustain a growing population. By using cisterns and other water control contraptions they were able to use the regular flashfloods to collect large quantities of water. Old buildings were restored or repurposed and the temple was expanded upon.   Despite it being in the middle of the desert the city flourished and it became a tradehub between Zerevil to the south and the Eridani River region to the north.  


Temple of Bethir

  The main reason for many to visit the remote city of Andoria is the temple dedicated to the god Bethir. The temple itself was built upon the location that is said to have been the place where Bethir sprout from a fruitbearing tree.   Today the original tree is no longer present but at the very center of the sanctuary there is still a tree to be found. When a tree dies it is replaced with a seed from the current tree. In this way the current tree can always trace itself back to the ancient tree from which Bethir was born.

by kefkejaco with midjourney

Cover image: by kefkejaco with midjourney


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Jul 27, 2024 23:14 by Dr Emily Vair-Turnbull

What a beautiful sounding city. I love that you've thought about how they would keep a water supply during the really hot times.

Aug 5, 2024 14:22

Yeah being so remote does require some good water planning :) took some inspiration from Petra for this

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