Arena Fights

Let all fighters get in position! Let the fights be great and glorious!
— arena announcer
  Arena fights used to be a quite common sight in Terios and especially in its capital Golandon. Near the end the fights had gotten less dangerous and were mostly for show purposes but fights with monsters always remained prone to accidents.   In 1236 AE a new law was passed that abolished the arena fights as it was seen as too barbaric but many people still wanted to see these kinds of fights. This led to severarl underground arenas which are sadly also less regulated than the ones that used to be done in broad daylight. So far Terios has been unable to put an end to these practices.  

Show Fights



  One of the main reasons that people participated in the arena fights for was to achieve some degree of glory. The fight were commonly watched by both the poor and rich and it was not uncommon for good fighters to get sponsered. Janos Dorivas used to be most recent of these famous fighters but was forced to take another career path when the new law was implemented.  


  The reason that arena fighting became banned was because more people started to view the practice as barbaric as the occasional death did still occur. At first the government wanted to just ban the use of monsters, the most dangerous factor in the fights. But evenutally they decided to get rid of it altogether. Old arena builings such as The Arena in Golandon gained new purpose markets after the ban went in effect.   Nonetheless for those looking hard enough there is still a possibilty to get involved in fights. One of the largest underground arena operations can be found in the caverns below Ostend. Here the most safety rules are mostly disgarded leading to fights with a high chance of death. One of the latest fights even led to a dinosaur almost escaping. Although they try the government of Terios has thus far been unable to put a full stop to these practices.  

Yamaderis misplaced this image by Kefkjaco with heroforge

Cover image: Nervonia by Gam-Ol on pixabay


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