Bareniai Monastery

What mysteries do the sages of the Bareniai Monastery keep deep within their sanctum?
— High Sage Syronikir
  The Bareniai Monastery, sometimes also called the Monastery of the mind can be found just north east of the city of Bareniai. Perhaps the main reason for its existence is due to the large population of Oneragan descent in the nearby city of Bareniai.   Here people can learn ways to train and calm their mind thought by sages who got their knowledge from their Isshani ancestors.  

Extra Information

North East of Bareniai on a nearby cliff
Construction Date
612 AE
Disciples of the Calm Mind
A refuge for those seeking peace of mind.

Monastery of the Mind



  Just like the nearby city the monastery differs in architecture from most settlements in Terios. This can mainly be seen in the roofs with curved endings and the more frequent use of bamboo. Although the base and outside walls are made of stone some of the inner building are made entirely out of wood.   As it is placed on a cliff that is only accessible through a narrow part and as it has a stone wall, it can seem somewhat like a fortress. This is done for good reason as there are rumors that secret knowledge is being guarded by the sages of the Monastery.    
by kefkejaco with midjourney
Halfling by Kefkejaco with Heroforge


Many of the sages of the monastery are from Isshani descent and pass on their ancestral knowledge to those training at the monastery. Most people who choose to live in the monastery have had traumatic experiences or great loss and seek peace of mind.   The sages teach their students how to retake control of their mind and body and how to overcome past negative experiences. Some are content once they have achieved peace once more but others train further.  

Mind Magic

  The Isshani were masters of Mind Magic and Bareniai Monastery is one of the best places to learn their teachings. Those who are capable start by learning to read other people's thoughts and guarding their own mind from prying eyes. Once this is achieved many of the students start to study the creation of illusions. The final steps are telekensis and offensive mind magic but not all students are able to learn this.

Cover image: by kefkejaco with midjourney


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Jul 20, 2024 23:21 by Dr Emily Vair-Turnbull

I really like the idea that some people go there to learn how to clear their mind and give themselves peace. The advanced mind magic is really just a perk.

Aug 5, 2024 15:05

This idea came from one of my players as she had put in her backstory that her character had bouts of insanity and this was an ideal place to learn to control it :)

Feel free to check my new world Terra Occidentalis if you want to see what I am up to!