Dried Nevi Fruit

In the Adroon Library we also quite often enjoy dried nevi fruit despite it being seen the ideal food for on the road. Sometimes fruit just tastes better in its dried form.
— High Sage Syronikir
  For those travelling great distances it can sometimes be difficult to bring food that does not spoil by the time they need it. In Kevarim it can be a long time to find a new source of food when traversing the Volker Desert. The dried nevi fruits have proven to be good solution for this problem.  
by kefkejaco with midjourney

Dried Fruit

  Even not dried the nevi fruit is quite nutritional allowing and can feed someone for a good portion of the day. They say that the god Bethir was born from a nevi fruit which is why this fruit was blessed to be so nourishing. The fruit is commonly found around the Eridani river region as is as commonly cultivated as grain or spices.   By drying the food for a long period of time in the strong sun it loses most of its water and becomes much smaller. It however, does not lose its nourishing qualities during the process. In its dried form it can be consumed safely for about 6 months after which it does start to spoil eventually.  

Additional Information


Nevi fruits and their dried variant are quite common in Kevarim  


The nevi fruit is normally reddish in colour when growing from its tree but when dried it takes on a more orange colour.

Cover image: Nervonia by Gam-Ol on pixabay


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Aug 14, 2024 00:04 by Dr Emily Vair-Turnbull

I love that you can eat them both fresh and dried, and both of them have their own advantages.

Aug 23, 2024 10:27

Thank you, they seemed like a good food source for desert dwelling people :)

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