Endra Swamps

The swamps ain't what they used to be. First we get carvans being eaten by a gigantic monster and now we have weird glowing trees growing everywhere!
— Inhabitant of Edron
  The Endra Swamps are an area in the most western part of Terios . For a long time not deemed very important besides for the gathering of peat. However, in recent years Sea and Leaf Falls were found in the area would normally have renewed intrest in the region. This renewed interest was halted suddenly after the sudden appearance of Mizarin Nightlights who quickly overtook the swamps. Right now the expansion of these trees threatens to force communities living next to the swamps to leave.

by Kefkejaco with inkarnate

Extra Information

Eastern Farlis
Large swamp area filled with several larger bodies of water
Controlled by
Sea and Leaf Falls, peat
Important Landmarks
Asmer ruins


  Originally the swamps were formed by the various small rivers flowing from the hills and mountains lying south of it. Due to the rather flat area it started to accumulate creating the swamps in the process. At the northern edge of the swamps the water combines again with a larger river that eventually flows into the Oner river.   The swamps were filled with wildlife and a great variety of trees and plants. However, due to the introduction of a Mizarin Nightlight specimen the swamps are quickly getting taken over. Normally Mizarin Nightlight are not as fast growing or expanding but the Lightwalker specimen that settled in the swamp seemed to have been genetically altered making it an almost perfect invasive species. Small wildlife and plants are not that impacted yet but larger trees are already dying of in great numbers due to the ever increasing amount of Mizarin Nightlights.   Many villages at the edge of the swamp are now at risk of getting overrun by the new invasive trees. Thus far the Terios government has not yet found a way to contain the growing outbreak.  



Asmer Ruins

  The culprit for the rapid takeover of the swamps are the Mizarin Nightlight speciments who originated from an ancient lab found within the swamps. Attention was brought to the lab when a large monsterous specimen had escaped after a recent earthquake. For millennia the lab was sealed of from the outside world but was suddenly accessible through the swamps.   When adventurers investigated the lab they found trapped Lightwalker specimens who they freed, not knowing they were genetically altered. Once they started to take root in the swamp they quickly grew in only a month time and many new seedlings were creating, waiting to become Lightwalkers themselves.   Other curiosities in the lab were an ancient Asmer powersource, also referred to as Celestial Keys sometimes. But more importantly perhaps the lab also had a very large quantity of Asmer constructs who perhaps at one time had been part of an Asmer] army.  

Light walker by kefkejaco with Midjourney

Cover image: by Kefkejaco with inkarnate


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