Feather Coin

Most humanoids don't have the benefit of wings to avoid falling to their deaths. Air magic users were of course always able to prevent this issue but it was not until the arrival of the Feather Coins that the average person was able to benefit from this protection.
— High Sage Syronikir
  With the arrival of airships the number of death due to falling several meters towards the ground evidently increased. Accidents do tend to happen and once airship warfare became more common a solution had to be found to at least give people a fighting chance to reach the ground safely. This resulted in the development of the Feather Coins.
by kefkejaco with midjourney


  Just as the name would suggest the Feather Coin does not appear to look any different from a regular coin on first glance. It only really shows it purpose when it is most needed. If someone who has the coin somewhere on his person falls down from at least 3 meters high, the coin activates itself.   The Air Magic contained within the coin causes a local wind to be created that greatly slows down the descent. Once the holder of the coin safely reaches the ground the coin itself becomes inert after which it will need to be recharged. This can either be done by an Air Caster or by using the energy of a Cloud Fall.    

Additional Information


They used to be rather rare but have become commonplace in the last decades.  

Materials and Components

Most are made from copper but some gold variants exist as well. No matter the base material each coin needs at least a small sliver of Cloud Fall embedded in it.  


It can pass for a regular coin but is most often decorated with symbols of wind.

Cover image: Nervonia by Gam-Ol on pixabay


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