First Eastern Treaty

You know if you want you can view a copy of the First Eastern Treaty. Of course I could not get my hands on the original but nonetheless it is an interesting read if you are a history fan like me.
— High Sage Syronikir
  The First Eastern Treaty was a great milestone for the Human countries of Farlis. It ensured that for the first time since the independence from the Avaronian Empire peace would be achieved.  



Centuries of war ending

  During the Middle Era most of the Human countries in eastern Farlis were at war with eachother quite frequently. This was often due to either border disputes or succession claims to smaller nations. Especially Terios tried to often annex new regions into their territories.   In 1091AE Terios made a big change to their external policies. A conflict between Eprus and Mervidel came so close to its borders that Terios decided that a union between the neighbouring countries would give them a stronger position against enemy incursions.   In Golandon a meeting took place between Terios, Eprus and Varena, who until then had quite frequently fought against eacother. The treaty that was signed that day ensured that the nations would no longer attack eachother. In addition to this the treaty stated that trade between the contries would be protected by all involved parties. This extra measure led to a major economic boost in all the countries of the treaty.  


  As the relations between the countries improved with each year, the next step in the cooperation was soon taken. The countries of the treaty decided to form a true alliance ensuring that all parties would protect eacother if needed. This alliance was an extension of the non-aggression and trade pact signed in 1091 AE but also saw to it that a combined military organisation was created.   The hope of this alliance was that the Elven countries such as Mervidel would think twice before attacking their countries. Alas this proved not to be enough of a deterrent as eventually the Alliance-Covenant war broke out, resulting in one of the largest conflicts of the century.  

Yamaderis misplaced this image by Kefkjaco with heroforge

Cover image: Nervonia by Gam-Ol on pixabay


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