
Beware the deepest reaches of the earth. In that horrible place even the very shadows can be your enemy.
— Surface saying
In the darkest reaches of the Lower Realms there is something that cause all kinds of horrors to appear. It is unknown to those living on the surface but those living underground know to fear the goddess Ifelian.    




  The origin of Ifelian is a true mystery as it appears to have been at the same time as the fall of Tanaria, the greatest underground empire. Around that time the Lower Realms became overrun by various kinds of monstrosities such as the Narkids.   Some say that it was the Tanaria Gnomes who caused her to appear. Others say that she managed to reach Niorath by herself. One thing is certain however, she originally came from the Death Realms of Nervonia.  


  Ifelian is absent in most pantheons and rarely seems to interact with other gods. All religions that mention her see her as evil. Only a few cults give here any real reverence at all believing her to be able to give them supreme Death Magic.   One god from the Eregr pantheon, Lofior, is the only one who seems to actively opposse her. This is kind of ironic as most followers of the Erergr pantheon see him as an evil god as well. He is, however, the patron god of many Daski Elves and actively tries to take back the Lower Realms from Ifelian.  


  Perhaps the most defying trait of Ifelian is her form. As she consists entirely out of shadowy smoke she is able to move anywhere effortlessly. She is able to blend perfectly with shadows, something that is in ample supply in the Lower Realms. When she is not trying to sneak up on someone she reveals herself as a hooded figure with cold blue lights for eyes. Her voice does not seem to come from any sort of mind but seems to come from all directions.  
by kefkejaco with midjourney

Additional Information

Death Realms
Presented Sex
Female sounding voice
A hooded figure made out of shadowy smoke



Fall of Tanaria

  Her origin seems to be intricately tied to the end of the Tanaria Gnome Empire. Up until 2658 BF Tanaria was at the peak of its power. This all changed when large hordes of Narkids started pouring from the deepests parts of the Lower Realms.   Although it was never proven many believe that she created these creatures herself. After the fall of Tanaria she was regularly seen near other settlements deep underground. Not soon after hordes of either Narkids or deformed humanoids would follow. Eventually this caused the Deep Dwarf kingdoms to fall as well. The Lower Realms had become too dangerous to live.  
by kefkejaco with midjourney
by kefkejaco with midjourney

Stopping the tide

  Eventually the attacks stopped as the golem creations of Tanaria, which were still active, greatly reduced the number of vile creatures. Today these ancient golem still form a sort of barrier against teh monstrosities coming from deeper underground. The Daski Elves are the other group who try to keep the creatures at bay and have become quite proficient at it over the centuries.   This has, however, not stopped Ifelian in trying to gain a foothold. Often through cultists she manages to establish a presence, sometimes even on the surface. When she manages to do this the region becomes a dark place filled with undead and other unnatural creations of her making.  

Latest Events

  Ifelian was last seen in Savi, a settlement in Terios which had already greatly suffered from the recent war. The city was taken over by undead who started terrorising the region.   Her cultists were defeated after which she revealed herself before the heroes who had slain them. Since the heroes had just found information and a key to an elemental portal she asked them to hand this over in exchange for their life. One person tempted fate by teleporting the item away to the Keepers University in Golandon. The result was near death and Ifelian teleporting to the university herself where she went on a killing rampage.

Cover image: by kefkejaco with midjourney


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Jul 29, 2024 22:38 by Marjorie Ariel

She sounds truly terrifying.

Jul 30, 2024 01:13 by Dr Emily Vair-Turnbull

Scary D: I really love the fact that she actually appears across multiple religions.

Aug 5, 2024 14:25

Thanks for all the comments this summercamp, really appreciate it ^^ Ifelian is not te be messed with especially since she can also get to the surface :p

Feel free to check my new world Terra Occidentalis if you want to see what I am up to!
Aug 9, 2024 11:50 by Rashkavar

Chilling article, very cool