Isshan Calamity

Nothing good ever comes from experimenting with chaos magic. Even if it is to increase power of other magic. You might just end up like the Isshani.
— High Sage Syronikir
  One moment the Isshani had the largest nation in Oneraga, the next it fell in ruins. How exactly such a large empire fell in record time remains a mystery to this day. One thing is known however, Chaos Corruption played a central roll in the fall.  

Early Years


First Wave

  Given the speed at which the first Chaos Corruption appeared in the heartlands of the Isshani there are no direct sources of its origin. But there are accounts of those who were able to flee the calamity.   According to these accounts a large purple flash was first seen coming from the direction of the Isshani capital. Nobody in the close proximity of the flash survived but some many kilometers away from the capital did. They reported seeing the flash first followed soon after by a strong wind that knocked all trees down. Several hours later survivors noted a slow wave that started crystallising everything in its path. Seeing this they fled further away but had difficulty with staying ahead.   When the first wave of corruption stopped the Isshani were releaved believing only the center of their country was impacted. But this would soon change.  

by kefkejaco with midjourney
by kefkejaco with midjourney

Second Wave

  Just like the first event the second expansion phase took everyone by suprise. People had started going to the edge of the crystallisation to investigate what had happened. Several days some people near the edge suddenly started to feel ill and not soon after had crystals growing over their body. As the crystals grew over their body they lost their minds and started attacking everyone.   But it did not end there as a mist started rolling in from the crystallised area that caused even faster Chaos Corruption in any living being in the vicinity. As the people started to move away once more sever magical Tempests became common place forcing everyone to get further and further away.  

Isshani Refugees

  The spread of the corruption seemed to go faster over time sometimes even overtaking entire communities by suprise when it suddenly moved several kilometers in a single night. The Isshani started to panic as they believed no area was safe from the coming chaos. The entire nation collapsed even further as every settlement in the Isshani heartlands and the surrounding lands was abondonned.   Those close to the corruption that had not yet fled soon had to deal with a new problem as hordes of chaos infected monstrosities started pouring out of the affected area. It led to the greates mass migration the world had ever seen with people trying to get as far away as possible, some even going to different continents.   However, rumors started appearing that the corruption had stopped. This was enough reason for some brave Isshani to band together and take the fight to the monstrosities who had recently overtaken their lands. New Isshan was formed to combat these creatures and soon they were able to push them back to the border of the Chaos Corruption.  
by kefkejaco with inkarnate

After the Calamity

by kefkejaco with midjourney


  Today the Isshan Chaos seems to have stabilised. This has been perhaps in large part thanks to the brave warriors who fought back the corrputed creatures. The current nations of Hashide is the legacy of these heroes and the soldiers of this land defend the border to this day. Although no large incursions happen anymore as in the early years they still need to heavily patrol the border.  

Suggested Origins

  Over the years many theories have been put forward as to what caused the calamity in the first place. Almost all of the theories include some form of experimentation with Chaos magic. A promising theory suggest that perhaps chaos magic was not the intended purpose but that perhaps the Isshani tried to enhance their Mind Magic with Chaos Falls. This would explain why the creatures emerging from the Isshan Chaos exhibit more illusionary and mind altering abilities than creatures from other chaos zones.  

Cover image: Nervonia by Gam-Ol on pixabay


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Jul 29, 2024 13:18 by Dr Emily Vair-Turnbull

This sounds like it would have been absolutely terrifying to witness/experience. Those poor people. I am glad they have managed to recover as a nation a little.

Aug 5, 2024 14:50

People who try dangerous magic often cause some awful things in Niorath :( Original lands lost though and only the edges managed to crawl back sadly

Feel free to check my new world Terra Occidentalis if you want to see what I am up to!
Aug 25, 2024 16:14 by Ademal

I bet governments don't allow as much magical experimentation as they used to after an incident like this!

CSS Whisperer • Community Admin • Author of Ethnis
Aug 26, 2024 21:14

Oh they most certainly don't! Especially nothing that involves chaos magic, but those ambitious casters always think they can control it.

Feel free to check my new world Terra Occidentalis if you want to see what I am up to!