Ivalian Elves

Given their history and how they managed to thrive despite the odds against them, one can only praise the Ivalian Elves' persistence.
— High Sage Syronikir
  Most of the Aina Elves fled towards de Belidor Isles after they were driven from their homeland. Others, however, travelled further north fearing that the Daski Elves would keep on expanding. After crossing the northern ocean they eventually reached Idravil.   Currently there are quite a large amount of Aina Elves living in the northern continent of Idravil and some even live in the northern part of Pavanor. The Ivalian Elves are the largest of these groups and form the majority in the nation Ivalem.  

Extra Information

The Ivalian Elves are the majority of the population in Ivalem, the powerhouse of Idravil.
Just as all Aina Elves the Ivalian Elves originated from the current Deldirom area.
Ruled by
The Matron
Known For
Iceberg control, Dragonriders




  Originally the Ivalian Elves came from the Deldirom region just as the other Aina Elves. The first of the Aina that travelled to current Ivalem were those coming from the Belidor Isles but they built only a few coastal settlements.   When the Daski took over the Aina homelands many of the Aina fled to the Belidor Isles but a large number also fled further. The main reason for this was the Daski incursions towards the Isles. Many did not believe the Isles would remain safe and decided to migrate to the small existing settlements on the northern continent.  
by kefkejaco with inkarnate
by kefkejaco with inkarnate


  The large number of new people migrating to the western Idravil proved difficult. The harsh cold environment of the continent was not fit to sustain large numbers and many of the Aina therefore founded new settlements when one became too large. Eventually the entire western half of Idravil became inhabited by Aina tribes.   For a long time it seemed that there would be no centralisation as all the tribes preferred to go their own way. Somehow several tribes started to band together in the fjords of the Ivalem region. According to myth a great Aina Elf, Allisiana, became loved by many because she could bring life in even in the coldest environments. As the amount of available food in the region grew more and more of the Aina flocked to the region. This would become the start of Ivalem and the Ivalian Elves.  

Masters of Ice

  Today the Ivalian Elves are master of Water Magic and especially the ice aspects of it. Just as the great Allisiana from myth the Ivalians are able to achieve great things with their magic. Fields around there cities are kept miraculously clear of the harsh environment and rivers never seems to freeze near Ivalian settlements.   While they are travelling by sea the Ivalians are even able to use entire icebergs as their vessels. In the past they used this to raid northern territories of other continents but nowadays they merely use them to patrol the seas or deliver goods to eastern Idravil.   How the Ivalians have become the most powerful users of Water Magic is unknown. Many believe that in the most northern reaches of Ivalem or even beyond its borders a great secret can be found that thus far only the Ivalians have done.  

by kefkejaco with midjourney




  Just as most Aina Elves the Ivalian religion is based on the Eregr pantheon. Eleria, the goddes of winter, is seen as the most important god. But Allisiana is also revered as it is believed that she was the daughter of Eleria and Navalin, the god of life.   The Ivalians also worship other gods that the majority of the Aina do such as he mountain god Alikor and the Water goddess Astheria. The practice of putting boats with lights in the fjords is therefore also common in Ivalem. In some regards the Ivalians, however, do differ from the other Aina. The main difference is perhaps the worship of the Ice Dragons, who are creations of Eleria according to Ivalian myth.
by Kefkejaco with midjourney

by kefkejaco with midjourney



In contrast to the other Aina Elves the Ivalians have a very special architectural style only possible because of the harsh environment. In many settlements their are, besides the wood and stone buildings, also buildings made entirely out of ice. This is done by Water Magic casters and requires a great amount of skill.   The largest of these structures is the Winter Palace in the capital of Ivalem. This building is believed to have taken many decades to make. Despite it being made of ice it as thus far proven to be indestructible and shows no signs of melting even though the inside is kept quite warm.  


  Just as the other Aina, the most important leader and priest postions are taken up by women. This is because Aina women seem to have a much greater affinity for Water Magic, which is even more prevalent among the Ivalians. The leader of Ivalem, the Matron, descends from a long line of Water Magic casters.  

Dragon Riding

  The Ivalians have a great relationship with the Dragons living in the mountains north of their country. Some of these Dragons are even worshipped by the Ivalians. As a reward for their support the younger Dragons often join the Ivalem miltary and act as either aerial support or even allow Ivalians to ride along with them.

Cover image: by kefkejaco with midjourney


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Jul 21, 2024 14:11 by Dr Emily Vair-Turnbull

I really love the idea of using icebergs as vessels. That's fun. Also that some of their buildings are constructed of ice. Such an interesting culture.

Aug 5, 2024 15:03

Thank you. Mentioned these people first in the Snow Elves article and the idea of making them even more involved with Water magic an interesting approach. Probably will do that with other types of magic as well for other cultures :)

Feel free to check my new world Terra Occidentalis if you want to see what I am up to!
Aug 19, 2024 17:59

Ahh, that's beautiful. I love these elves, even if the ice castle reminds me a little of the Ice Queen. It's nice how you address many aspects here such as history, expansion, religion and culture, which I find very inspiring. Icebergs as vehicles? I hope we see that in an article. I would enjoy reading that, even if Ice Age somehow springs to mind.

Stay imaginative and discover Blue´s Worlds, Elaqitan and Naharin.
Aug 23, 2024 09:59

Thank you! I forgot about it being done in Ice Age as well xp Perhaps indeed an article for vehicles at some point :)

Feel free to check my new world Terra Occidentalis if you want to see what I am up to!