
Primian is the very ancient language that was spoken by the Prime Asmer. As the language of the gods it is important in almost any religion and practitioners of faith often learn it as they believe it is the true way to communicate with the gods.  



  Long before the known history started the gods walked on Niorath. They constructed great cities and spread to all the corners of the world. Throughout the world they had one common language, Primian. All their devices and devices used it meaning that any documents left over from that time are written in Primian.  


  After Magicfall all of the gods were forced to leave Niorath. With them gone there was no longer a unifying use of the language in the world. Over time many of the humanoids started to create their own versions of the language, often combining them with other spoken languages.   The original Primian language was also passed on but only priests or spiritual leaders still learned the language. Some survivors of Magicfall were lucky enough to even hold on to original documents. Over time the original language was lost in many places in the world but enough knowledge of it remained to ensure that it still lives on to this day.   The first new languages that evolved from Primian were still very close cousins but as time went by they started to differ. At least every continent started to have their own versions which eventually would become known ancient languages such as Avaronian.  


Relatively related
  • Avaronian: medium difficulty, uses Pavan script
  • Pre Arendian: advanced difficulty, uses Pavan script
  • Saferian: advanced difficulty, uses Avaronian script

Cover image: Nervonia by Gam-Ol on pixabay


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Aug 30, 2024 14:50 by Harrison

A very cool idea.