
I was there when we found Tanajin in that remote ruin. My people had already forgotten he was still trapped there or the leaders had never told their children. Had we known perhaps we would have attempted to bring him back. Sadly the Tanarians vanished before they could learn the truth.
— Yamaderis
  A reincubator is a piece of Prime Asmer technology that was thought to have been lost. Some ancient murals showed that when a someone's body is destroyed they could move their being to a new body. This body would have been grown in a what is referred to as a reincubator.  




  Up until quite recently the reincubator was only shown on ancient Asmer ruins. This all changed when the god Tanajin, who was assumed dead, was discovered in Asmer ruins in wester Terios. Normally he would have chosen to get a new artificial body through Ascension. But when he lost his life during the battle of the Silent Forest there was no new artificial body available and he chose a body from a reincubator instead as a last resort.   What he had not anticipated was that the war was lost to such a degree that his followers were forced to leave the reincubator before he could awake. They had sealed the doors to the labratory hoping to be able to return soon. But his followers were never able to return as they were forced into the Lower Realms were they would perish several centuries later. And so Tanajin's body mutated over time into a groteque form, unable to leave the reincubator. He stayed there until the sealed door failed and he was found by a band of goblinoids and eventually a group of adventurers.  
Yamaderis misplaced this image by Kefkjaco with heroforge


by kefkejaco with midjourney


  The only real knowledge of how the reincubator works has been passed on through Tanajin. According to him the reincubator stores a wanted genetic code and starts growing biological material from it. The process itself is comparable to the growth of a fetus except that it occurs much faster and creates a fully grown person. The body can be kept here basically forever as it does not decay as long as it remains in the reincubator.   Normally this process can occurr without issues. In the case of Tanajin, however, the process was prolonged so long that it started to mutate the body into an almost unrecognisable humanoid. Luckily for Tanajin, his mental capacities were unaffected but he would never be able to leave the reincubator.   If it is required the reincubator allows changing the genetic code to improve certain aspects. This could be just small changes but could also be big changes to the general physique or mental capabilities.    

Cover image: by kefkejaco with midjourney


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