
Seradia is the city of dreams but it is up to you if it becomes a good or a bad dream.
— common saying
  In the southern part of the Kavis coastline in Varena one can find the city Seradia, famous for its large villa’s and mansions. Most of the richest families in the country have one or several houses there. It is a custom for these families to send their newly wed family members here to go on a long honeymoon before taking over positions in a guild or political institution.   Because of this frequent visit of rich people the city has grown into a large entertainment center featuring gambling, spicy plays and great music.

by kefkejaco with inkarnate

Extra Information

Founding Date
889 AE
Southern part of Varena close to the capital Tharsis.
131 000
Primary Races
Humans, Half-Elves, Gnomes
Known for
Villas and mansions, gambling, spicy plays, music
Avg. Temperature
22 °C




  Seradia was founded much later than other settlements in Varena because for most of its early history it was nothing more than a few remote estates. When the wealth increased in the country more rich people wanted to have secondary housing near the beautiful Kavis beaches. The coastline became filled with various villas en estates who all needed people running them.   Seradia first evolved from the housing that was constructed for the personnel and soon it became a settlement in its own right. Farms, vineyards and pastures were built in the hills deeper inland to support both the settlement and the rich estates.  


  Several enterprising individuals saw great opportunities in making the trying to make the most of the rich people frequently visiting the area. Several buildings were constructed that allowed the wealthy to gamble freely. Slowly Seradia became a meeting hub for the rich of Varena as a new entertainment district was constructed away from the housing.   The influx of money only increased the possibilities to part the wealthy of their money. New plays were introduced and musicians performed in gambling buildings hoping to meet a wealthy benefactor. As time went by the pressure to try to gain the wealthy's interest increased. Many started to create extravagant events which would eventually lead to the spicy plays that the city is known for.    

Yamaderis misplaced this image by Kefkjaco with heroforge


Yamaderis misplaced this image by Kefkjaco with heroforge

Entertainment city

  Today Seradia is perhaps the most well known entertainment city in Farlis. Money flows freely and that can easily be seen through the rich buildings, extravagant shows, magical effect throughout the city and great food. The biggest income, however, still comes from gambling either through card games or horse race or sports betting.   Another famous feature of the city are the spicy plays. Over the years these have become more common as interest in them increased. Nudity is quite common in these plays as are adult themes. The most daring acts even dare to do some special live performances.  

Cover image: Nervonia by Gam-Ol on pixabay


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Aug 12, 2024 23:02 by Dr Emily Vair-Turnbull

Spicy plays, hm? I can see why the nobles go there. XD I lik the history of the place, beginning with just a few estates taking advantage of the nice beaches. :)

Aug 23, 2024 10:58

Those nobles gotta stay entertained somehow XD

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