Shadown Fangs

The Shadow Fangs were a gang in Ironpeak that had been around for some time but only recently grew in power and influence. Recently they had gotten in a gang war with the Crystal Vipers, another gang that did not want to give up their top position. The culmination of this conflict was the recent lockdown in Ironpeak after a terror attack.   Their base was located in a tavern called the Leaky Jug Inn which seemingly was a normal tavern. However most of the patrons there were members of the gang and those that were not knew to keep their mouths shut about the people that were allowed in the closed off area. Their gang colors were black which they wore as shirts. They were also known to use serrated daggers which had a wolfhead handle.   In comparison to the Crystal Vipers their schemes were a lot darker since they specialised in assasinations. They had several dopplegangers as members of which two had infiltrated the kobold village in Vamena. The other two either performed assasinations or impersonated important members in Ironpeak society.   Before they joined the gang the dopplegangers in Ostend where a small doppleganger community existed. Most of the dopplegangers there worked for the Avaronian Spectres and the ones in Ironpeak were send there by them. The reason why the gang has suddenly gained a lot of influence is because of the payment they received from an Avaronian Spectre agent in Ostend. The Shadow Fangs didn't know who the agent worked for, only what was required of them. They were payed more than ever before, an offer they couldn’t refuse. Besides the payment to disrupt the Vamena Province they also needed to be on the lookout for diamonds worth more than 1000 Tetrae in the mines of Ironpeak.
Illicit, Gang

Cover image: Nervonia by Gam-Ol on pixabay


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