The Last Prophesy

One should never doubt the path set by the Sovereigns. Those that underestimate the power of destiny will always perish.
— Raitin teachings
  The last prophesy is part the Sovereign Prophecies, a series of scroll which are said to contain hints for the future. Thus far the Raitin, who have quite some faith in the prophesies use them to guide their actions.   One of the most debated of these prophies is the Last Prophesy. The main reason for this is because many believe it tells how Niorath will end.  

The Myth

A light shines bright and blue within the night. Column coming from the storm. Signalling a new era, chaos or order. Will the sleeping awaken or will new rise. Sword from fire will determine fate. Ships in the sky, ships in stars. New gods among them. Moving the sun or fall in shadow.  


  What is meant with the Last Prophesy is a greatly debated topic. The light signalling a new era is thougt to be some great magical event that can be seen from far away. It is, however, unsure what this will be but many think it would involve Chaos Magic. The sleeping is often thought of as the god Indovir but some other belief it is rather some unknown evil that would awaken.   Over the sword from fire is even more debate. Many especially have an issue with the 'from' part as this could greatly expanded the amount of possible swords as most are forged in fire. A great number of legendary swords have been suggested for this myth. Perhaps the most common theory is that it involves the Heretic's Sword. If that were the case the question would still remain why it is 'from' as that sword rather produces fire.   The last part of the prophesy is even more mysterious as nobody really has an idea what is meant by moving the sun.  

Yamaderis misplaced this image by Kefkjaco with heroforge


  As it is the last of the prophies the Raitin have spend a lot of attention on it and even partially worked it into their religious beliefs. Many of the Raitin think that they are destined to become new gods and go to the stars. They believe that they are the only ones who can stop disaster since the other prophecies were already centered around them.

Cover image: Nervonia by Gam-Ol on pixabay


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