The Wall of Lightning

We had something similar to the Wall of Lightning among my now long gone people. Sadly we did not possess the same amount of resources. Perhaps if we did we would have lasted.
— Yamaderis
  The wall of lightning is a large series of metal pillars constructed by the Tinkerer Enclave in nearby Zerevil. It runs along the entire southern riverbank and protects the people behind it from the horrors that come out of the Silent Forest. Thanks to the ingenuity of the Enclave any vile creature that comes near the wall will be subjected to lightning bolts shooting from the various pillars.  




  Just south of Zerevil, on the other side of the river, the Silent Forest poses a threat to the city ever since its founding. The region, however, was rich in magical resources causing the city to grow despite the nearby dangers. For most of the city's history patrols along the northern edge of the Silent Forest kept the Chaos monstrosities at bay but this changed with the construction of the Wall of Lightning.   In the year 1134, more than a 100 years ago, the number of incursions of Chaos Corrupted creatures increased and the usual patrols proved ineffective. Some even claimed that the corruption itself had spread further north closer to the river although this was never proven. The Tinkerer Enclave therefore started the construction of the Wall of Lightning by placing magic infused pillars in regular intervals along the riverbanks. The process took several decades but eventually the wall was finished.  

Additional Measures

  As the contstruction took quite a long time the number of Chaos incursions did not immedeatly diminish. The first parts of the wall were build near Zerevil but this just resulted in Chaos creatures crossing the river in remote parts were no part of the wall was present. In addition the Tinkerer Enclave chose to construct a large number of Magitech Golems to drive back any Chaos creatures. Even now that the wall is fully finished several of these Magitech Golems still patrol the riverbanks for additional protection. This proved to be necessary as the number of creatures that try to breach the wall seems to grow each year.  



by kefkejaco with midjourney


  The Wall of Lightnig is made possible thanks to the large supply of Cloud Falls in the vicinity of Zerevil. With the resource so readily available the Tinkerer Enclave had a lot of opportunities to experiment. The end result was the creation of large metal columns with Falls inbeded at the top.   To make a distinction to what creatures the pillars attacked some tricky changes had to be made as well. At first there was the idea to bind elementals to the pillars to control the process. In the final pillars design however a second type of pillars was designed using Mind Falls instead. This pillar was then placed between the other pillars and functioned as a sort of recognition system for 20 pillars on each of its sides.  

Cover image: by kefkejaco with midjourney


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Jul 14, 2024 14:12 by Dr Emily Vair-Turnbull

This is a really cool idea. Like magical tesla coils, almost.

Aug 5, 2024 15:06

Indeed :D

Feel free to check my new world Terra Occidentalis if you want to see what I am up to!