Tokag Wastes

Don't travel too far into the Tokag Wastes. The people of the land have not forgotten our transgressions. If you are not careful a chasm might open up just below your feet and swallow you up.
— Common Gakura scary story
  The Tokag Wastes are a large desert in Western Oneraga believed to have several hidden portals to Nervonia causing elemental energy to frequently seep into the region. It is believed that this is the main reason why earthquakes seems to happen so frequently the further inland one goes.

by kefkejaco with midjourney

Extra Information

Western Oneraga
Elevated plateau filled with chasms
Controlled by
Gokura, Savero, Tatsuka
Tremor Falls, gold
Important Landmarks
Chasms, buttes


  At the center of the region there are gigantic chasms which no one has explored thoroughly as few return from such expeditions. According to the local myths one can get to the bottom of these chasms and accidently end up in Nervonia without noticing.   The region mainly consists of a plateau but has been eroded in several places leaving mesas and buttes in its wake. At some point it must have been as high as the nearby mountains to the east from where the sparse rivers still flow. Despite the dry environment some hardy trees and bushes can be found and closer to the eastern mountains some forested areas exist.  




  Perhaps the most defying part of the region is perhaps the large quantity of deep chasm which make the region hard to traverse. In most cases travelling to the center of the region requires going around the chasm for many kilometres as bridges have only been constructed in a few places. More bridges used to exist but have been destroyed by earthquakes over the years.   There is a myth among the Gnomes living closer to the coastline that the earthquakes are perhaps being caused by the Beastfolk still living in the most remote areas of the region. As the lands were being conquered by the Gnomes the Beastfolk travelled furhter and fruther inland where they would have discovered a strong source of power. According to the myth they still use this power to protect themselves from the Gnomes and as an act of revenge.


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Jul 28, 2024 22:40 by Dr Emily Vair-Turnbull

It must be so frustrating to build bridges and then have them destroyed in an earthquake. I definitely would think twice before travelling around there.

Aug 5, 2024 14:23

Probably best to bring some good protection along the way :p

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