
Quite a useful creature those Viliths. I could perhaps use them to clean up the garbage bin.
— Yamaderis
  Viliths are a common sight within in the Mizarin jungle as it is an ideal ecosystem for them. These fungoid creatures stay at the bottom of the jungle where they primarily survive on rotting leaves and plants but the also eat carrion from time to time.   Only when someone pays attention can they really notice these strange little creatures because they are quite small and to the unknowing eye the look like regular mushrooms.  

Extra Information

Scientific Name
vivariaxa (vivariatha)
Can primarily be found in the Mizarin Jungle
10-20 cm lenght




  A Vilith can perhaps best be described as a sort of hybrid between a fungi and an arachnid. From afar they can seem like regular mushrooms especially when they decide to blend in with the environment. When it is time to look for foot they reveal themselves to be more than that. Their eight legs ensure that they quickly can get away when they feel in danger.  


  In general Vilith are not too picky about their food, anything that falls on the ground and is death is a meal for them. In most cases they are contend with just eathing decaying leaves or other plants. In this regard they are kind of the clean-up crew of the jungle.   When they get the chance, however, the do eat carrion but don't make a habbit of it as other creatures in the jungle might do the same.  

by kefkejaco with midjourney

Yamaderis misplaced this image by Kefkjaco with heroforge


  For the Vilith the climate is not that important but since the Mizarin jungle is filled with it is also filled with death. This gives the Vilith way more options there than anywhere else.  


  Viliths reproduce by laying a large number of eggs from which about 20 children live to full age. The most peculiar part of the reproduction process though is perhaps the mating.   Male Vilith are generally small in size compared to their female counterparts and have to go to great lenghts to impress her. To achieve this they can do all sorts of movements that to humanoids look very similar to dancing. They can be seen doing side steps while throwing their front legs in the air but they have also been seen doing small pirouettes.  

Cover image: by kefkejaco with midjourney


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Aug 14, 2024 00:03 by Dr Emily Vair-Turnbull

Tiny pirouetting mushroom creatures! I love them!

Aug 23, 2024 10:46

I thought you would ^^, what is there not to love about mushroom creatures!

Feel free to check my new world Terra Occidentalis if you want to see what I am up to!