Courtesans Guild

The Flowers of Dibella


“The life of a courtesan is a life of service. To stand for community, duty, and fellowship, that is the goal of every courtesan.” – Matriarch Thessia Andel


The Courtesans Guild is made up of an assortment of people, all dedicated to the betterment of society, and furthering cultural and political speech though the organization of parties, social events and balls. The Courtesans were at one point known to only be prostitutes, however, engaging sexually with their clients has become a secondary part of their function in society. Most Courtesans, especially the high ranking members of the guild are considered to be some of the most elegant, stately, and desirable women and men in the upper echelons of political society. To engage with the elite Courtesans sexually is a great privilege only offered to the most wealthy and influential of people. A single night with the Matriarch of the guild may cost as much as manor or fort.


The lower ranks of the Courtesans Guild still tender in sexual favors as their primary duty; these lower ranked Courtesans are known as Dibellans. They are still respected community members doing a valuable service to the town or province in which they operate, no different to a butcher or a banker. They typically occupy special quarters within the Courtesans Guild Hall which customers can visit, but they also offer escort and home services. Dibellans are blessed by the Matron of their Guild Hall to not be able to produce children during their services as a Courtesan. Since there is no risk of reproduction, engaging with a Dibellan is not considered adultery.


Most Courtesans are female, however there are some male courtesans, however, the guild does not allow male courtesans to progress past the rank of Courtier. The highest ranking of Courtesan is that of Matriarch. There can only be one Matriarch for each country of tamriel. Currently there are five Matriarchs, who form a council once every three years to decide the direction that the guild should go. The rank directly below Matriarch is that of Matron. A Matron will preside over a single city or region of the country in which they operate. Matrons are expected to always obey the word of the Matriarch without question.



Founded in 3E 335 by Matriarch Thessia Andel, widowed Countess of Anvil, The Courtesans Guild has operated as a centerpoint of culture and politics for nearly 100 years. There have been few events that haven’t been shaped by the Courtesans over the last century, yet their influence is understated, and often forgotten. The gentle guidance and nurturing of political and cultural thought is an enduring value of the Courtesans, and continues to be a central concept of their mission.


    • Matriarch
    • Matron
    • Retainer
    • Courtier
    • Sister/Brother
    • Attendant
    • Companion
    • Member
    • Dibellan
    • Servant

Guild Rules

    • Service Above Self.
    • No theft, cheating, or deceit.
    • No killing.
    • Be of good moral character.


Notable Past Members

    • Matriarch Thessia Andel
    • Matriarch Milerd Vonanis
    • Matriarch Talona Lenered


"Service Above Self"




  • Fighters Guild
  • Mages Guild
  • Artisan’s Guild
  • Merchant’s Guild
  • Laborer’s Guild


  • The Blackwood Company
  • Northern Trade Commission
  • East Empire Trading Company
  • Thieves Guild

Guild Reputation:


Guild Profitability:


Guild Alignment: 

Neutral Good