The territory of Lyrian decides to become a Fiefdom of Thymryu joining Sivania, Ringshtad, and Brindellis.
The territory of Lyrian decides to become a Fiefdom of Thymryu joining Sivania, Ringshtad, and Brindellis.
Baegla led the Glitterfjell revolution. Staladin was unable to get a mobile enough army through the mountains and feared Baegla's powers. Baegla took up the mantle of premier of Glitterfjell and turned the new country toward socialist reform.
The small country of Arralath decides to join Thymryu as a fiefdom alongside Ringshtad, Sivania, Brindellis, Lyrian and Gladeon.
King Staladin of Lenisily, the dreadful country directly north of Thymryu and Glitterfjell is assassinated by a supposed member of the KAV who is rumored to have been a female wood elf with red hair who managed to escape. There are many variations of the story, some say she snuck into his chambers and slit his throat, some say she seduced him and murdered him mid-coitus, others believe it was an inside job ordered by Pufuktin who was the head of the KAV at the time in order to secure his ascent to the throne.
The heros Nurlareel, Henryk, Natalia, Tien, Rhettel, and Baron Yolthemer destroyed the demon Arralath who was presenting himself as the lord of the fiefdom of Thymryu at the time.
Glitterfjell decides to join Thymryu after much deliberation and talks between Baegla and King Zietdrache. Baegla becomes the Duchess of Glitterfjell. She re-assigns positions in her court based on the monarchial system of Thymryu including naming Fenneck Frostears a Prince.