
There are several calendars used in Niven. The most widespread among humans is the so-called Konovian calendar, which imitates the Elvish calendar (Faelin). The 355 days of the year are divided into twelve months of varying lengths of 29 or 30 days, except for the first one, which has 31 days.
Dwarves do not care about the phases of the moon but recognise the 355-day duration of the year. Dwarven societies that are used to interacting with surface races (mainly humans) have themselves adopted the human calendar to facilitate trade agreements.
1. Colmond Sharpening Heluild
2. Pemmond Fertilising Lumild
3. Bermond Ploughing Beniarild
4. Nivemond Sowing Nivenild
5. Wormond Blooming Aldanild
6. Iromond Hay Ethenild
7. Wedmond Shearing Alathild
8. Harmond Harvesting Othenild
9. Fismond Sifting Onwenathild
10. Temmond Milling Laenild
11. Demond Acorn Nawethild
12. Naimond Salt Awanethild

The Elvish calendar and those inspired by it have weeks consisting of six days. The Artas calendar uses seven-day weeks instead. The name of its days were changed at the beginning of the Era of Mulcrist, but some parts of Artan still use the old ones. Dwarves do not group days in weeks.
DayKonovianArtas (new)Artas (old)FaelinVestian
1st Eirintar Lotared Artad Lindeneth
2nd Avalentar Larsed Zarod Nireneth
3rd Umbatar Dartased Aniod Naureneth
4th Krastar Seovared Morid Isireneth
5th Aruntar Eigared Purid Lumeneth
6th Albentar Tirruned Patronid Etheneth
7th Mulcristed Restid