
Mulcrist is a deity of Artan.
Born under the name of Calder, he led a largely normal life, joining the mercenary company Curden's Thugs. From his mentor Curden he received the Mother of Swords. The sword eventually brought him back to life after he fell in combat against guards who had tried to arrest him for the murder of a knight he had caught in the act of raping a noblewoman during the Battle of Lavris.
He accompanied Trestan Amlaren, then a knight of Amlar, for a time before leaving the Kingdom of Artan entirely to follow the barbarian kithlas Amhanfuar into the Odravast expanses. There he learned to control the powers of the sword and led the largest barbarian army the Kingdom of Artan had ever faced, but was defeated and captured at the Battle of the Odravast by the forces led by Ilandra Olestar on the eve of Anduran independence.
He was freed by his friend the wizard Donovan from the prison wagon in which he was being held shortly before the Battle of Dragons began. During the battle, he confronted and defeated the dragon-looking self-proclaimed creator of humankind Zurranasseleridom with the help of the kithlas Tembres, before vanishing into thin air while mortally wounded. According to Donovan's own statements, he ascended to godhood. He is now widely worshipped as the only god in several Artan regions.
Divine Classification