Concentrated Channeling Spell in Nocturn | World Anvil
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Concentrated Channeling

Elemental channeling is the fastest form of spellcasting in this world. By using one's own body as a proxy for elemental energies, they can alter or enhance the flow of magic around them.


Like all methods of spellcasting, elemental concentration is meant to take magical energy and convert it directly into a more tangible form. Aqueous energy turns to tide, Infernal energy to fire, and so on. However, concentration is widely regarded as the least refined, but the most efficient form of casting. Rather than run energy through a substrate or a runic symbol, the user directly makes use of their body to convert and manipulate elemental magic.

Side/Secondary Effects

When channeling energy, there is an upper limit to how much magic can flow through someone's body before they themselves begin to feel the effects. At a certain quantity of magical energy, which varies on the person, someone's body will start to burn out and overload, resulting in fever, headaches, or nausea.


Elemental channeling is powered by large sources of magic, such as natural elemental wells and strongly enchanted objects. A weakness in this spellcasting manifests in its need for a larger well of magic, as opposed to runes or spell circles, which provide energy of their own to make use of.


The technique originated somewhere in the Revien continent during the ancient past, and became popularized in the early settlements of the Arode desert. Aside from the native Avians of the Irite jungle, the rest of the continent quickly followed suit in adapting the form of spellcasting.
Gestures & Ritual
When channeling, a user has to physically direct the flow of elemental energy. This usually involves arm movements, weight transfer between the legs, and lots of pointing in the direction of casting.
Applied Restriction
Without the presence of the right elemental energy, there is no way to channel it. It is impossible to sling fire around in the Nol Ridge without the assistance of an enchanted item. However, this restriction is easily bypassed by merely carrying around a strong vessel of energy, such as a quartz charm or a silver piece of jewelry.


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