Tide Travel Spell in Nocturn | World Anvil
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Tide Travel

Tide travel is a method of travel that can technically be employed by all species, though the naiads are really the only people who fully utilize it.


Using tide travel, one is able to transport themselves from one body of water to another, no matter the distance or obstacles between the two. The method of travel is often used by naiads who want to go elsewhere besides the Corradam Lakes (once the ocean), and is what allowed naiads of different levels to contact each other without long-distance, rigorous swimming.

Side/Secondary Effects

While the spell is convenient and powerful, it comes at the cost of a great deal of the user's energy. In order to port oneself completely and efficiently across what are usually large distances, massive amounts of energy are required, and usually the assistance of a high-ranking rune. After the travel is complete, the user usually passes out, and has to sleep for extended periods of time in order to regain energy. In addition, tide travel is by no means fast, and may take hours or even a full day for inexperienced aquamancers.


Usually, a sort of "gate" opens up that the user has to swim through. This opening resembles a vortex in the water that has no discernable end, and makes no noise.
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