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Welcome to the world of New Alveri, set on the continent of Nodalisk!   New Alveri is the foremost city in the world where dragons cohabitate with lesser races for the benefit of all species (but mostly dragons). The city was founded roughly 3,000 years ago and has since become a leader of magical and technological innovation, fueled in no small part by the abundance of magic provided by the large dragon population.   The art of magic is less developed than in some worlds of Dungeons and Dragons. Planar travel is not at all common, and as such, races from planes beyond the material world are rarely seen and mostly unknown. Magic itself is also a somewhat rare commodity. Dragon themselves serve as the major source of magical energy in New Alveri, mostly in the form of donated dragon parts such as blood, scales, and bones. Beings of the mortal races do not generate their own supply of mana and require external replenishment in order to recover their spells, primarily in the form of a light blue potion called "Blue Ether." Blue ether is the most diluted and prevalent form of Ether in New Alveri, but there are other forms of various potencies used for different applications such as fueling magi-technology which is also a burgeoning science in New Alveri.   Although there is a civil council in New Alveri, the real power in the Alverian Empire is held by the Holy Knights, a religiously zealous and militant organization founded on the principles of human-dragon collaboration set down by Gyramond in ages past. The Holy Knights believe that dragons and the lesser races share a united destiny and are dedicated to forming close bonds of cooperation and loyalty between dragons and humanoids for maintaining order and protecting the general peace. Their sworn duty is to prevent the outbreak of another race war between dragons and the mortal races.   Although innovation is a hallmark of New Alveri, for the past millennium or so, the dragon-dominated society has been considered by many to be somewhat stagnant by most scholars. In the past decade or so, however, there have been subtle hints of major forces of change incoming to New Alveri and the further continent of Nodalisk beyond. Hatchlings have increasingly been born with strange powers and abilities not commonly found before in ages past such as the ability to breath lighting, a formerly unknown ability entirely. Even more queer, some of the younger generations of dragons have been displaying odd personality quirks, including extremes of either good or evil acts. No one knows why this might be happening and most still are convinced that these are simply random genetic anomalies brought on by poor parentage or weak blood. Still, there is a growing sense of unease spreading among the public and an uncertain cloud of dread hovers over the once shining and indomitable edifice of the Holy Order of Alverian Knights.

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