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Basic Information


In terms of their physical appearances they more or less resemble humans, their close brethren, but with distinctively bestial features such as sharp teeth, claws, pointed ears, or fur, with facial features and skin color. They are mildly attractive but otherwise unremarkable. Their aura, however, is what is most distinct about them.

Dietary Needs and Habits

They always eat the heart of their victim.


In human form, Skinwalkers exhibit typical alien behavior. Quiet, distant, and seemingly uncomfortable in their own skin, they may be confused or completely disregard human customs but can adapt to whatever environment they are in.

Additional Information

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Enhanced Strength: Their strength seems to be greater than the average human. Their strength appears to increase with rank (much like Werewolves). It seems that it's only in their shifted form that they possess their strength.   Super Speed: Skinwalkers, in their animal forms, can run and move faster than Humans.   Accelerated Healing: They appear to be able to heal themselves much faster than Humans.   Invulnerability: Like many other Shapeshifters, Skinwalkers can only be killed by silver bullets to the heart or head. They can, however, be injured.   Super Senses: They can smell far better than Humans, in either form. Using this ability, they can tell if they are being followed or if someone is in the vicinity, within an approximate range of 100 yards or more. Also, a Skinwalker's hearing is comparable to that of a dog.   Infectious Bite: Like Werewolves, Skinwalkers possess a venomous bite; if someone is bitten by a skinwalker, he or she will also become a skinwalker.   Shapeshifting: Skinwalkers possess the ability to transform into any animal they desire. Skinwalkers can change from their human to animal forms anytime without a full moon.

Civilization and Culture

Common Taboos

Silver: Like all other Shapeshifters, Skinwalkers are vulnerable to and can only be killed by weapons made of silver. Either a silver arrow or knife in its heart or head will kill it.
Scientific Name
175 years


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