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Basic Information


Amphibious, fish-like humanoids, Zora have sleek and glistening bodies.   Sea Zora and Coastal Zora are quite distinct from each other. "Sea Zora" have evolved to live in deeper saltwater, and "Coastal Zora" have evolved to live in shallower water and the surface.   Sea Zora are tall and thin, as they mostly stand just above 1.80 m. This sea variety has a paler chest and face color, with a backside of a darker color—usually blue, but occasionally red, gray, brown, or other colors. The shape of a Sea Zora's head varies, but usually has a backside resembling some variety of fish's tail, with fins that further aid its ability to swim.   Coastal Zora are squatter and wider, though still slightly taller than Humans on average. Their scales are a blush-green color that blends well into seaweed and shallow rivers, but their heads feature orange fins and lips.

Genetics and Reproduction

Zora rarely breed, but when they do, they have offspring in batches of eggs ranging from 1 to 8, which grow into tadpoles, and eventually amphibious humanoids.

Growth Rate & Stages

Zora reach adulthood around the age of 20, but after this point age slowly compared to Humans. One reaches middle age at about 100 years, and a particularly fortunate Zora can live to be more than 200.

Ecology and Habitats

Due to their amphibious nature, Zora villages are most often built along coastlines, rivers, lakes, and other areas that blend shallow water with nearby land. This enables them to effectively evade threats that are exclusive to land or sea, and hunt more effectively from both sources.

Biological Cycle

Zora are overall amphibious, though they do not do well out of water for long periods of time.

Civilization and Culture

Naming Traditions

Female: Dunma, Finley, Kodah, Laruta, Laruto, Lulu, Marot, Mipha, Oren, Rutela, Ruto, Tona, Torfeau, Tula   Male: Bazz, Cleff, Dento, Dorephan, Gruve, Japas, Jiahto, Kayden, Keye, Laflat, Ledo, Mikau, Ralis, Rivan, Sidon, Tijo, Toto, Tottika, Tumbo

Common Dress Code

Zora usually wear a small amount of jewelry or armor, but less clothing than races such as Humans or Light Elves, as excess clothing hampers their ability to swim.

Common Customs, Traditions and Rituals

A given Zora tribe is usually ruled by a royal family of Zora, to which the tribe is loyal for generations. The current monarch of a tribe is typically referred to with a title such as "King Zora" or "Queen Zora" rather than his or her actual name.

Interspecies Relations and Assumptions

Sea Zora are hostile to outside races. They have an instinctive desire to aggressively defend what waters they call their own, and will attack any foreign entities without hesitation. The rare outsider who can gain the trust of a Sea Zora tribe will find they are not murderers nor thieves, but are in fact quite friendly to their allies.   Coastal Zora are comparatively more accepting of outsiders, and their royal families are usually allies with the royal families of Light Elves. They frequently intermingle with other races who live on coastlines, and are renowned for their unique style of music.
200 years
Average Height
1.8 - 2.2 m
Average Weight
46 - 160 kg


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