Retrocognition Spell in Nonagarn | World Anvil
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The power to perceive the past

Retrocognition is the ability to perceive the past, and is an uncommon subpower of Chronokinesis. The user can recall any event in the past, despite not being there to experience it. They experience the past by being pulled into an involuntary trance that lasts for a few seconds.   Retrocognition can be triggered by anything, but is mainly triggered by artefacts and relics. The more the relic has experienced, the more spontaneous the trance is.


People with Retrocognition can experience any event in the past, as if they were there themselves. They usually enter a 5-10 second flashback when touching an object.

Side/Secondary Effects

As the power is quite spontaneous, there is no way of knowing when it will activate. This can be dangerous in life-or-death situations, as the person can't perceive the present while they are using Retrocognition, so they can't react.   Some people are more sensitive to Chronokinesis than others, so they can often feel mentally strained after using their power. If they were viewing a traumatic event, then they can also feel the emotional impacts of that event.


The user is brought into a flashback that last around 5-10 seconds and they experience the past of the object they are touching. If the user is more sensitive to Chronokinesis, then the flashbacks become more frequent and stronger.


Retrocognition is a psionic power that's subset of Chronokinesis.

Quick Facts

Percieve the past
Names of Users
Material Components
The user needs to be in physical contact with relic or an artefact that has some history.
Related School
Related Element
Effect Duration
5-10 seconds
Effect Casting Time
A few seconds
Applied Restriction
  • The user has to be in physical contact with the object
  • It is spontaneous, so users can't control it


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