Spiritual Energy Physical / Metaphysical Law in Nonagarn | World Anvil
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Spiritual Energy

Spiritual energy is the energy present in every living thing, and comes from what many call the soul. Some believe it is also present in the atmosphere, wherever there is life.   This energy is what keeps everything alive, and can be harnessed in many ways. The most common way is through movement, but other ways include psionic powers and spiritual constructs. Each soul also tends to be a specific colour, which can be seen when its energy is being utilised.  

Beliefs About Souls

People hold different beliefs about the soul and what it is, depending on where they come from. Some humans try to understand it either through religion or spirituality, while others try to look at it through a scientific perspective.   Humanoids from Quadrilore also know about souls, but they too have different ideas about what it does. While Nexans are less inclined to believe in the existence of their spirit, they think that the spirit is what drives the person or the animal on a daily basis. Galileans think their soul is a bridge between the material, and the spiritual planes of existence. These differences have Galileans against Nexans ever since they all left their home planet.   However, by the 21st century, Galileans, Nexans and the Ilikia started to learn more about souls and their beliefs merged over the next two decades.


Most humans cannot harness their energy for anything other than their daily activities. It can be regenerated through sleeping, eating and being given energy by an Ergokine. Some people unlock their spiritual energy through various means, and become enhanced humans with better senses and reaction times.   Humanoids and some half-humans can channel their spiritual energy through their powers. The manifestation of their powers often take the colour of their spirit. A few humanoids can also use their energy to make visible constructs of energy. This is often seen when Chronokines use their powers to control the flow of time.  

Pressure Points

Pressure points are focal points in a living thing's body, where there is the most spiritual energy. Many people call them chakras, although there are small differences between them. These focal points are in different places for every living being, and are unique to them.   They are the greatest strength and the greatest weakness for people. If they are harnessed well, they can be used to channel the person's spirit through their body, making them very powerful. However, lots of people know how to connect two pressure points together, which reveals them all. If someone wants to take another person down, they just connect two pressure points and then press them all once they are revealed. This temporarily neutralises the person, so they can't move or use their powers.


Any living being can harness their spiritual energy anywhere, so long as there is life on that planet. The only people who can still use their energy in lifeless places are humans, since they only use their energy for less advanced activities. In a way, it is their power.
Other Names
Chi, Aura, Spirit
Metaphysical, Arcane


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