Vitrikinesis Spell in Nonagarn | World Anvil
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The power to manipulate glass

Vitrikinesis is the power to manipulate glass. It's a subpower of Geokinesis, as glass is made from processed sand. It is also the ability to manipulate mirrors, but many people just use Vitrikinesis in the same way for both.


Most users can manipulate and shape glass from existing sources, while very few can create glass from sand. From there, people would create weapons, tools and objects that they want. If the person has Spatiokinesis or can teleport, then they can use Vitrikinesis to open a portal to the Mirror World.

Side/Secondary Effects

Glass is very brittle, so pieces of glass can fly everywhere if the person isn't in full control of their powers.


Normally, there is a crashing sound as glass is being broken and reshaped to the user's desired effect.


Vitrikinesis, like most powers, is a psionic power. This is because people use their minds to manipulate glass, or mirrors.

Quick Facts

Manipulate glass/mirrors
Name of Users
Vitrikines (standard), Vitris (Galilean), Hyalos (Nexan)
Gestures & Ritual
Depending how they want to use it, people use hand and arm gestures to manipulate glass. For example, to smash glass into pieces, some people would make a banging motion with their hand. While gestures are necessary, they are not the most important part of using Vitrikinesis. Like other powers, the user's mental state is very important.
Related Element
Effect Casting Time
A few seconds


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