Xenoburst Item in Nonagarn | World Anvil
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Kick-start your day!
— XenoBurst tagline
  Originally enjoyed by humanoids to quickly regain their energy, Xenoburst is now a staple drink of Galilea. It is a fast-release, soft drink made by the XenoBurst company. The business is different to other companies, as it has made its formula widely available for anyone to make their own drinks, while crediting the original creators (by calling it a Xenoburst). This has proven to be a winning strategy, even when almost everyone thought it would fail.   One of the taglines for XenoBurst used to be "Just Shake It", referring to the instruction to shake the drink before it was drunk. This was to release its energy throughout the bottle so that the person could get as lots of energy in each quick burst. People know when they've shaken it enough if lots of bubbles appear.  

Key Ingredients

While Xenoburst is made with the usual additives found in any soft drink, the active ingredient is Ergokinesis. Although the techniques differ depending on the person or the factory, the energy manipulated is packed into the drink at high pressures. If it is made industrially, then Xenoburst can include added glucose, where people with Ergokinesis can make glucose release more energy.   Fruit juices are also used, making Xenoburst healthier than most soft drinks. Most fruit juices and syrups can be used when making a Xenoburst, but some people prefer to blend and squash their chosen fruits themselves.
Item type
Consumable, Food / Drink
Base Price
Prices start from £2 (or equivalent)


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