Arcane Storms

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Arcane Storms, also known as Wild Sands, are strange and unique weather events that occur in the Slycol Desert.


Those who have seen the Arcane Storms describe them similar to regular sandstorms, however there is a strange and unique sparking of technicolour that hits in the middle of the sandstorm. The whole storm seems to have a mass of different arcane elements that swirl through it and these technicolour sparks hold these elements in place in the storm.   When caught in an Arcane Storm, an individual is subject to the whims of chaotic and unusual magics that can be devastating. On one hand someone can find that their skin is turned inside out, on another there is the possibility that someone could gain magical potential from the storms themselves. The Arcane Storms are a source of magical potential in themselves that can determine their own magical implementation on it.   It is said that some Clerics can feel the presence of the desert storms and then use this potential to move and throw them around towards another individual.
Arcane Storms
General Information
Full Name Arcane Storms
Also Known As Magic Storms
Arcane Destructions
Wild Sands
First Occured During The Shatter
Fauna Wild Sharks
Location Information
Plane Material Plane (Nonvyrox)
Continent Kyradon
Region Slycol Desert


The first Arcane Storms were devastating in The Shatter. Many of the people who lived in the Slycol Desert were changed drastically by the magical effects that arose during these storms.   In the Age of Restoration, the Arcane Storms have become very prominent in the desert to the point that all of its settlements have found a way to either repel or supress the chaotic arcane effects of the Storms. Though several people find themselves changed in some form by the storms in their body and their mind.


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Aug 11, 2024 21:52 by Dr Emily Vair-Turnbull

They sound pretty. The risk of gaining power is not enough to outweigh the risk of getting my body turned inside out, I don't think, though. XD

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