Slycol Desert Geographic Location in Nonvyrox | World Anvil

Slycol Desert

The Slycol Desert, also commonly known as the Kyradia Desert is a large and expansive dessert that covers the lower two thirds of Kyradon.


The Slycol Desert is a vast expanse of sandy dunes, sandstorms, and strange arcane storms that encompass the region. It is not recommended by the residents and people surrounding the desert to enter it without protection as many groups of people have been swept up into storms fo arcane energies and cast into nothingness by these storms.   To combat these storms, those who traverse the deserts have started to use unique vehicles known as Skulkers. These vehicles have allowed groups of people to cross the desert and avoid the most disasterous effects of the arcane storms. However, there are some creatures who have developed a keen dislike for the machines and as a result bands of Skulkers have often found themselves under threat from the local fauna.   Deserts make up two thirds of the continent of Kyradon, the northern Lyavin Desert is often considered the "sister" or "mara" desert to the Slycol Desert due to their proximity and similar oriigns.

Notable Places


A small outpost and research centre controlled by the Qil'Soran Republic. This is the first territory of the Republic outside of Fieldas.


Closest to the coast, Aasan has made a name for itself as a market city, a place where people can buy and sell whatever they want and need.


Center of the Tyvalian Concord, this city is the origin of the Skulker and is known as the "Jewel of the Desert".


A small city of refugees and those looking to continue their survival. The city is also known as the "Home to All".

Void's Death

The largest scar from The Shatter, Void's Death is a large crater that is filled with an inky void.
Slycol Desert
General Information
Full Name Slycol Dessert
Known as Kyradia Desert
Created by The Shatter (Fall to the Void)
Terrain Jungle (Formerly)
Plains (Formerly)
Fauna Sandstorm Elementals
Flora Raeflower Cactus
Livas Flower
Location Information
Plane Material Plane (Nonvyrox)
Continent Kyradon
Points of Interest Boktan
Void's Death


There are many strange and unique creatures that inhabit the sands of the Slycol Desert. Some of them seem to inhabit the terms of rumours whilst others have become known for their strange and unique nature.

Sandstorm Elementals

Creatures formed from the combination of arcane and sand storms, these creatures roam the Slycol Desert as a manifestation of the ancient ruins and lives that were lost during the desert's creation.


Large cephalopod-like creatures, the Sabalith can be found burrowed deep underneath the sands. When they attack, they are known to latch on to their prey and devour them whole.

Corva Quenrisa

A large pink flower known for its beautiful bloom, the Corva Quenrisa is a flower often used during funeral rites as a sign of respect to those who have passed in the sands of the desert.

Raeflower Cactus

Similar to many different types of cactus, the Raeflower grows among the harshest environment and surives. What sets it apart is its large orange flower that when in bloom can act as a sheild against the magical storms of the region.


Known for travelling in pods, the Hladjora are a grazing creature who have large thick hides that shimmer with an arcane aura. Pods of Hladjora have been known to attack Skulker bands if they invade their territory.


The Qash'al resemble manta rays in a respect, however instead of floating in the ocean, they use the desert's unpredictable winds to surf across the skies acting as scavengers for rotting corpses that lie along the ground.

Mendja Root

Often gathered for small divination ceremonies, the Mendja Root is closely linked to The Dreamer and invokes a trance-like sleep onto anyone who consumes the aroma of the root.

Livas Flower

The Livas Flower is a large teal flower that grows the size of an average human. They seem to give off a psychadelic inducing pheremone that has been co-opted by many who live in Kyradon.


The lands of the Slycol Desert contain many ruins with large swathes of people that live within it. Due to the hazardous nature of the region and the strange arcane storms, its not uncommon to find people with missing limbs or strange arcane afflictions that haunt them. As a result, prosthetics and other coverings are constantly developed to help ensure the people of the desert are well cared after. While there are many good people of the desert it is inadvisable to stop at any form of campfire, caravan, or Skulker as banditry along the desert is highly common.   Skulker Bands can be found in the various small towns and settlements that exist along the desert's lands. Some have founded their own settlements and a result have been able to entice new members with the promise of new and interesting adventuring opportunities. Many people believe that Skulker Bands are bandits this is not always the case. Some have used their status to help those crossing the desert, whilst others still are yet to reveal their motives.


The area that is now the Slycol Desert was once comprised of lush jungles and rolling planes that were home to elven, orcish, and catari cultures during The Shatter. However, during the Fall to the Void, the entire region was ensnared by the divine energies of Azrovil, who was mortally wounded by Djanrol. The intense power of the sun from Djanrol influenced the region, but created the large cavern known as the Void's Death.   There are many large creatures who have taken home in the Slycol Desert over the years. The cities and towns in the regions having to deal with attacks from powerful draconic beasts and creatures changed by the arcane storms. As a result, most settlements in the world have been developed to ensure that they are able to stay safe during the formation of these storms. Despite this, some settlements still struggle to deflect these storms.

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Jul 2, 2024 19:17 by Dr Emily Vair-Turnbull

I enjoy that some of the creatures of the desert are ocean-coded, leaning into the sea of sand kind of thing. I love that people have created a vehicle to help cross the storms, but that the wildlife don't like them. XD

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