Black Remnants

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The Black Remnants are a secret group of fighters and thieves that operate to balance the wealth and protection within Zhora.


The Black Remnants are one of several who are pushing to influence the city of Zhora. The two main sides of the conflict are the Black Remnants and the shadowy collective known as the Carnivax Consortium. The Consortium and Remnants have a deep set relationship of hating each other, exchanging blows in a secret gang war. However, the conflict has started coming to a head, with larger scale attacks being made more frequently by the Consortium.



The city state of Zhora had previously been under the secretive control of the mysterious Carnivax Consortium, a collection of powerful nobles that each controlled an underground group that would influence the overall capability and politics of the city. While some thought that the acquisition of Zhora under the Daunka Province would remove them from power, they were able to obscure themselves in more secrecy, keeping them hidden from the reprecussions of their actions. There was a number of people unhappy with these arrangements, however over time they were slowly silenced by the powers of the Consortium.   Eventually two individuals, decided to pool their knowledge and go underground, removing themselves from the clutches of those who wished to harm them. One was a dark elf named Jarentoth Naerth, who was using Zhora as a new home after leaving their den. The other, Shei Mariston, was a human born in Zhora and was a first hand witness to the opression of some of the Consortium. Once they gathered together, they realised that the members of the Consortium comprised of a collection within the noble classes. The duo theoriesd that if the wealth of the Consortium and its followers were trickled down to the working classes, their power would fade as people could rely on their promises less and less. And so, in 683 AR, the duo formed what would become the Black Remnants.   For at least 20 years, the duo ran the group together, Jarentoth would act as leader within the field and would often provide cover for their heists, whilst Shei was good for tactical strategy and information retreival. They completed over 20 major heists and took down several major components of the Consortium, yet it never seemed like enough. At one point the original ten strong group of the Black Remnants were infiltrated and dispatched by a lone assassin. Leading to the death of Shei and the capture of two other powerful members of the Remnants.  
Black Remnants
Basic Infromation
Type Secret Group
Thieve's Guild
Leader Jarentoth Naerth
Base Shelva House, Zhora
Goals Redistribution of Wealth in Zhora
Destruction of the Carnivax Consortium
Founders Jarentoth Naerth
Shei Mariston
Formed 683 AR
Notable Members Kara Torlatha
Gorran of Brackenloch
Balgrim Celbrar
Classes FIghter
Ancestries Multiancestry
Allies Olkrablades (Sometimes)
Hysteel Estate
Enemies Carnivax Consortium

In Hiding

The group continued their escapades for several decades, acting in more heists, though spreading them out to slowly take down the Consortium. They were hiding more, with some of the first people added to the group being young spellcasters who could help enchant places of safety for various members of the Remnants. It wasn't until 750 AR that the first major incident, since 703's destruction of the original Black Remnants, took place. A mark for a heist, a member of the Consortium themselves, had placed traps around several of their implements of wealth. As a result, Jarentoth took a blast of magical acid suprisingly to the left side of their body, burning it all so their lips have disappeared and their lavender skin is a deep purple with veins running through it.   From this attack, Jarentoth stepped back from all public perceptions of the Black Remnants, instead becoming a mastermind behind the scenes that acts through his mouthpiece Kara Torlatha. To this day, Kara acts as both a confidant and general of the group, allowing them to travel unseen using a set of masks designed to misdirect and create small illusions that draw attention away from the individual.

Known Members

Name Pronouns Description
Kara Torlatha She/Her Mouthpiece and effectively General of the Black Remnants, Kara is a tiefling who is a second generation member of the Black Remnants following in the footsteps of her father. She is known for her ability to slink around between the shadows as well as some minor enchanting skills.
Gorran of Brackenloch He/Him A large stocky human, Gorran has been a steadfast and long term member of the Black Remnants. They are known for their hunting ability that borders on a supernatural sense.
Balgrim Celbrar He/Him A former guard within Grantour, Balgrim is a dwarf who is escaping members of the Saitodian who threaten his family should they learn of his continued existence.


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Sep 4, 2024 16:24 by Dr Emily Vair-Turnbull

What an interesting group - a shadowy organisation opposed to another shadowy organisation. I'm intrigued if they will ever achieve their goals.

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