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Zhora is a city state in the northern reaches of the Daunka Province . It is the closest city to the Lorena Range and was recently inducted into the Province.


Zhora is considered by many to be a sovereign city state, however under technical and legislative process it is officially under the duristiction of the Daunka Province. Historically its used the Cryal River to keep Imperial spies at bay. Some consider Zhora to be a haven for criminals and those escaping from the law. There is a sign on the edge of the city boundaries which says "A place for the free."



The Plaza is the largest and most decodant of the districts within Zhora. The majority of the people living here are the nobility that are sent from the Daunka Province, usually to attempt to wean back some control from the chaotic criminality that has taken over the rest of the city. The district itself is mostly comprised of marble lined buildings that have decorations and dedications to a variety of different deities.


In the north of the city, Stageforth is considered by many to be the slums. The population of the district are most commonly in poverty leading to many people to a life of crime. Officials call Stageforth a "cesspool of scum and villany." As a result, there has started to be a large and consistent show of force from the Olkrablades, the guard units within the ctiy.


Often known as the Crimson District, Xharisa is known for its position as an entertainment district. While the Plaza is known for decodance and class, Xharisa is known for debauchery and self-indulgence. There are several different types of entertainment avaliable for all ranging from theatres and cabarets to brothels. The district is considered the most accepting of those from all origins shapes and sizes. While other districts are overseen by the Olkrablades, Xharisa has its own enforcers who report to a local leader. Many of the buildings are made of a combination of wood and stone with crimson lights spread around the district using magically infused lanterns.

North Morrena

From the Plaza there is road heading south-east out of the city. Morrena Road leads through North Morrena and out of the city. North Morrena is essentially a suburb for magic-users. The cultural heart of the district is the Hexenmark University, a school for magic users run by members of the Archani Conclave. North Morrena acts as a haven for these students in this city. Though the region is not safe from the cities corruption. The University doesn't abstain from any forms of magic, in fact encouraging students to experiment with new styles of magic and become involved in what they call "local activities".

South Morrena

Furthest from the city centre, South Morrena is a lower class region of the city, similar to Stageforth. Due to its proximity to the edge of the city, South Morrena is often considered to be the trading and market hub seperating itself from the poverty in Stageforth.
General Information
Leaders State-appointed Commisary (official)
Consortium (unofficial)
Current Leader Commisary Evelys Blade (official)
Guard Unit Olkrablades
Founded ~ 398 AR
Location Information
Plane Material Plane (Nonvyrox)
Continent Ossalimar
Region Daunka Shore
Districts Plaza
North Morrena
South Morrena
Points of Interest Hall Spire
Shadesworn House
The Crystal Aurora Theatre
Hexenmark University
Societal Information
Population 46,380 (in 755 AR)
  • 51% Human
  • 12% Grassfolk
  • 10% Elf
  • 27% Other Ancestries
Affiliation Daunka Province

Points of Interest


Clera Plesance

The largest estate in the city, Clera Plesance is known for being the residence of Commisary Evelys Blade. Its a large manor house that is based in the central consortium of estates. The Plesance is one of several different noble estates that are in the gated off Plaza.

Hall Spire

Based in the centre of the Plaza, the Hall Spire is a large tower with two main spires. It can be seen from even the furthest outskirts of the town and is a central focus within the city. Atop the Spire is a large blue lantern that is maintained by a specific Arcanist within the city. The Hall Spire is also considered to be the administrative capital of the city, a place for all those who were under the official government linked with the Daunka Province


Shadesworn House

A taven in Stageforth, its one of the biggest industries and buildings in the Stageforth district. The tavern is quite large and has a brewery attatched to it which allows for it to be self-sufficient and fairly low cost for the entire district. The building is three-stories tall and can house at least 50 people for a night.  

Dawncloud Garrison

Newly built in Stageforth, the Dawncloud Garrison houses a permanent unit of Olkrablades. This is an attempt by the Commisary to clean up Stageforth. The announcement stated that "the garrison would bring a new form of stability into the district and enforce more of the laws that have so long gone unpunished."  



Garisha Hotel

The Garisha Hotel stands almost as a bastion of class in the Xharisa district. Guests check in and stay the night as members of a protected class. However, the hotel has a large cabaret which acts as a haven away from the troubles of the city outside. Several bards are known to frequent the hotel and use it as a place to experiment with new forms of music. Several magicians and bards also use illusory magic to entice and entrance guests of the hotel.  

The Crystal Aurora Theatre

The Crystal Aurora Theatre is focused on the production of powerful theatrical performances of both tragedy and comedy. For several years, the theatre has performed a minimum of 12 performances each season. Of these performances several are from local bardic students and those who are touring as performance companies. The Theatre has its own collection of creatives who create their own performances to make up the additional timing within the year.  

North Morrena


Hexenmark University

Founded in 529 AR, Hexenmark University was created as an institute of "free magic" after the Religious Rebellion by members of the Archani Conclave. The school takes in those who have an inclination towards arcane magic, regardless of whether its innate or learned. The Univeristy has long given off a policy of what it calls "free magic", any source of magic can be learned without abandon. The University has a larger campus but its main builing has three large spires that bend like horns into a single point.  

Lythron Houses

The main housing for those who attend Hexenmark University, Lythron Houses is a complex of rooms and small shops for students. The building is a single large area that has a courtyard in the middle. Many students can be found around the Houses depending on their studies. Built within the centre of the courtyard is a large sigil that can be used by those powerful enough as a teleportation circle.  

Mellow and Myrth

A small shop off the University campus, Mellow and Myrth specializes in the creation and enchantment of magical items as well as the curios and elements required for spells. It is a small brick building that on the inside is lined with wood all along it and shelves that line the walls, different trinkets and items line the shelves. The shop is owned by a father and daughter, Willhand and Ulfreya Blackstore who live in the floor above the shop.

South Morrena


Twilight's Grand

A temple dedicated to Maiden's Night, its a place of hope and restbite from an individual's life. The temple itself is simple and made of stone to allow for a more commonplace look to the building. There are several reliefs of Maiden's Night and their famous followers, over the years several of the more decodant artifacts and reliefs have been stolen, leaving these more simple reliefs to remain. The temple is overseen by two simple clerics who have worshiped Maiden's Night fervently. One is Della Thylan who acts primarily as a preacher, the other is Pellan Zanith who primarily helps birth children.  

Blackthorn Farm

Owned by the Blackthorn family for several generations, the Farm primarily produces wheat and other forms of barley and grain. The Farm is the largest source of work that people of South Morena have been able to be used over many years. The Farm has a large farmhouse owned by and lived in by the Blackthorn Family and a large barn that was built to hold the tools and stores of the farm. There is a large cropfield that is maintained by the staff of the Farm.  



Zhora has a population of 46,380 as of 755 AR. There is a large variety of people within the city. 51% of the population is comprised of Humans. The rest of the population breakdown is as follows: 12% grassfolk, 10% elves, 27% other ancestries.

Notable People

Name Pronouns Description
Commisary Evelys Blade She/Her The dwarven official leader of Zhora. She commonly wears her official armor when leaving her estate.
General Maldor Therenbear He/They The giantkin general of the Olkrablades, Maldor has a strong sense of justice against the unofficial consortium that is trying to run the city.
Sherlon Evelon They/Them A changeling member of the Carnivax Consortium, they are also a powerful noble within the city and influence both the commisary and the general in their actions.
Highmaster Daedreth Thron He/They The elderly human leader of Hexenmark University, the Highmaster acts as an advisor to the commisary, but in doing so hides the fact that they are in fact another member of the Carnivax Consortium, using their influence and people to smuggle artifacts into an out of the city.


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Articles under Zhora


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Aug 23, 2024 21:20 by Dr Emily Vair-Turnbull

I really like the red containers with the extra information about the places. I find the Dawncloud Garrison and the Crystal Aurora Theatre the most interesting. Looking forward to seeing a map when it comes. :)

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