Caroline Vesthel

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Caroline Vesthel is a human wizard who works under the Archmage of Cosmology within the Veritas Convention.



Standing around 5'10" tall, Caroline has mid-back length sandy blonde hair that she often has tied up in some form of ponytail. She is often found wearing one of two outfits, her official blue and gold robes of the Veritas Convention, or a set of plain travelling clothes that allow her to travel unseen by other in the realm. Caroline has pale, nearly alabaster skin that has several scars across her arms leading up to her chest which has a larger scar that seems to be infected with a black ichorous substance.


Those who have met Caroline describe her as kind and friendly but with a dark side to her. There are some recorded infractions where she has snapped at other people and developed a strange forceful nature that seems overly aggresive.


Caroline was born to unknown parents in 717 AR and was taken in at a very young age to the Veritas Convention. She was brought up and learned in Blackstone Keep. This gave her a strong propensity towards the use of magic very early, allowing her to excel in her actual class of peers. At only the age of 16, she was taken up by the Archmage of Cosmology, Maester Jayla Korrinth, as a young apprentice. Here she learned more about Divination magic and how you can peer in on other planes of existence as well as their own. As a result, by the time she had graduated from the keep she was nearly a master of most common forms of divination and had learned to harness this to her advantage.   After she graduated at age 19, Caroline became a full time apprentice to Maester Korrinth. As a full apprentice, her main goal was to focus on how to peer into other planes using divination magics to track and halt the movements of any creature who seemed to want to aim for an incursion onto the material plane. Over the next decade, she spent time learning and calculating the movements of all these creatures with no issues, able to hide herself from detection.
Caroline Vesthel
Character Information
Name Caroline Elizabeth Vesthel
Pronouns She/Her
Titles Undermage of Cosmology
Creature Type Humanoid
Race Human
Class Wizard (Divination)
Age 38
Alignment Neutral
Languages Common
Place Grantour
Connections Veritas Convention
Profession Undermage of the Veritas Convention
Teacher of Divination at the Blackstone Keep
Status Alive

However, this luck of non-detection was not to last. A creature of immense power was able to peer in on Caroline and find where she was. The only person who is aware of who this creature was is Caroline and she has chosen not to reveal their name. She looked in on the creature and within a month, one of their followers was able to grab her and send her to one of the outer planes that she was peering in on. In doing so, she was trapped with the entity she had been watching. They had spent at least a month getting all the information they needed to out of her. The actual events that took place are hidden in the mind of Caroline, who has chosen to remain silent after the ordeal.
Since her occurence, Caroline has limited her divination to the material plane, using her powers to learn more of cosmology from other collectives and groups around Nonvyrox on the whole. Its not uncommong for her to be found spying on the enemies of the Convention as well as those who are trying to use their power to learn more about the different planes, particularly the fiendish planes.   In recent years Caroline has been centered in her own home in Grantour. Her intense focus has been on the development of a long standing and immersive scrying experience, almost as if you are in the same location as the individual. Additionally, she has found ways to disguise her presence from nearly everyone who she peers in on, as well as hiding herself from similar magics. In the last year, there have been rumors swelling that she is in fact able to produce illusions of herself that are almost indecipherable from her real form, meaning she can send these figures in her stead while still learning what they discover.

Character Information

Notable Items

Red Knight's Helm

Found among a set of ancient ruins from The Shatter, Caroline uses the Red Knight's Helm as a focus for her divination magic but also as a protection against much powerful magics. It allows the wearer some level of defense from magic but also allows the user to unweave magic that targets the weilder of the helm.

Steelstrike Wand

Made of an ancient metal, the Steelstrike Wand helps Caroline to deflect incoming attacks by providing her a slew of abjuration magic to defend herself. Several spells are stored within the spell that can be brought out by the use of special charges within the wand or by the use of a spell caster's own potential.



It is well known that Caroline Vesthel is able to see into the future, included in this is the ability to fotell of situations in which her life may be in more danger than its worth. As a result, its not uncommon for her to be seen ducking from a lethal blow or thrusting a sword in the single weakspot of an enemy.

Diviner's Eyes

When peering into the darkness, a diviner can see better than most of their ilk, this is doubly true for Caroline. Whilst others were limited to one visual enchantment at a time, Caroline was known to see in the darkness while reading all language in front of her, or peering into the veiled planes whilst able to determine an invisible creature sneaking up behind her.


At her essence, Caroline is a wizard through and through. This is exemplefied greatly in her ability to cast spells far beyond that of any simple conjurer. She has learned to hone her skills in both divination and more recently illusion magic. The combination of the two make her a deadly opponent for even the most skilled of spellcasters.


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Jul 14, 2024 00:25 by Dr Emily Vair-Turnbull

Sounds like she went through a terrifying experience. I'm not surprised she and the focus of her magic have changed since. :(

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