Desert Accords

The Desert Accords are a set of legal documents that were signed at the end of the Ravenous War as a peace between the people in the Slycol Desert.


Originally written on two sides of vallum, the Desert Accords have been set upon a pair of columns that stand in the middle of Tyval, carved by hand. The original document was written in Al-Havemna, but has been translated on the four sides of the columns into elvish, dwarvish, and the common tongue. This was to ensure that nearly all people who lived within the city could understand the agreements that keep them safe.   The original documents upon which the Accords were written are housed in the Opalstone Palace in Tyval. Their original vallum framed beneath glass that is magically enchanted to preserve the quality of the original texts.
Desert Accords
General Information
Type Legal Document
Authors Relea Merridon
Wyrm Vassel
Sherad Molith
Date of Publication 745 AR


The exact contents of the accords are mostly filled with legal writing that identifies different elements of the tentative peace that exists within the region. Primarily it limits the formation of Skulker Bands to be registered in Tyval and that they are not allowed to loot and raid official settlements. This was to protect the livelyhoods of individuals living within the cities and towns of the region, whilst still providing the Skulker Bands with a method of achieving riches from those travelling.   The accords also define a lawful boundary around Void's Death that is aimed to protect individuals form the strange arcane effects that are present in the raidus. It is decided that no one person can be within a three hour walk from the crater. This limitation applies to all, regardless of origin or affiliations.   The final decree of the Accords is that all places of settlement must provide some kind of protection against Arcane Storms. Typically this will take the form of tunnels underneath the settlement that act as natural barriers from the storm, though the Accords don't specify how the protection must be provided, it just indicates the importance for the safety of all in the desert that some protection must be provided.


During the Ravenous War, there were many times that different sides considered peace, however every deal or consideration was rebuffed by the other side. The Dissolution of the Skulker Band Alliance did allow some peace talks, but with different warring factions, the creation of a document like the Desert Accords was not possible.   In 742 AR, the first draft of what would become the Desert Accords was written by a Tyval resident and former Skulker Band member. Sherad Molith put in place the foundations that would eventually become the Desert Accords. It wasn't until 744 AR where Relea Merridon of the Tyvalin Concord and Wyrm Vassel of the Darkwyrm Skulker Band took the initial draft and built a negotiated deal to form the finalised version of the Desert Accords.   It took a year after the document was published for both sides to completely agree to the Accords. Once this was completed however, a tentative peace was settled in the region and there was a unity that filled the region under the one banner of the Accords. To celebrate it, in 649 AR, a pair of stone columns containing a full carved version of the Desert Accords was placed within the centre of Tyval as a reminder for all of the success that was achieved by all towards peace.


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Jul 25, 2024 22:40 by Dr Emily Vair-Turnbull

I love the detail that the translations are on each side of the column. Some archaelogist in the far future will be super happy about that!

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