
Qil'aoun is an expanding city in the northern part of the Slycol Desert in Kyradon. It is considered by many to be the most diverse settlement in the region.


Qil'aoun was initially founded along several large dunes with a set of large shallow ravines along the east of the city. As a result of an influx of individuals from different parts of the region, the city has been expanded over the course of several years. The caves have now become a significant part of the region, especially as they are shallow enough to add more buildings without risking the integrity of their foundations.   The buildings are often made of sandstone but have been made of different types of stone depending on where they are in the different levels of the city. Often there can be lengths of wire connecting different levels of ravine. People can be seen riding these lengths of wire as an easy form of transport around the city, they're called Lineriders.   There are various flags and vibrantly coloured fabrics that line different sections of the city, usually as a form of pride representing the lands from which people hail. Many of these pieces of fabric are also commonly stretched along lines and different houses to make a sense of shade in the intense dessert heat.

Points of Interest

There are four districts that make up the city, each of them growing after the others in turn. While there is always residential areas, each district has a specific function towards the running of the city.

Medis Ward

The Medis Ward is the oldest of the districts, being the original city before it became a hub of refuge. It is also the centre of the political atmosphere within Qil'aoun and is home to the representatives that also communicate with the Tyvalin Concord.

Dawnlight Plaza

The home of government, the Dawnlight Plaza acts as a home of both the political and judicial branches of government within Qil'aoun. The brilliant marble structure is a bastion of the city's existence and its gold trim can be seen throughout the city. Some people call the Plaza "Home", this is primarily as its the first place that most people are taken when they arrive to the city.

Lightvale Institute

The most prestigious school within the city, the Lightvale Institute takes in those who have surpasses basic schooling to give them further information and understanding of the vast amount of knowledge that exists within the realm. While the Institute is independently run, it has close links with the Archani Conclave whose members help to provide more books and information for their libraries.

Osira Ward

The Osira Ward is a place dedicated to worship, particularly as there have been vast swathes of people entering the city, each bringing their own form of religious worship.

Gravelight Sanctuary

Dedicated to the Raven's Blood, the Gravelight Sanctuary is said to be a home for the souls that have passed on. People are encouraged to put up images or momentos celebrating the individual and giving them a place of rest, regardless of what has happened to them in the great wastes of the desert and beyond. There are stories that the worshipers of Raven's Blood are often seen performing funeral rites for these individuals hoping to bless their spirits.

Tulya's Hovel

A temple dedicated to The Starweaver, Tulya's Hovel was founded as a place where people can focus on the hope of what may come, especially in the face of many tragedies that have been faced. It is named for Tulya Verrenguard, a person seeking refuge who didn't quite reach the borders of the city. The entire ceiliing of the Hovel is covered with a special art installation that shows the constellation that the people have also named after Tulya.
General Information
Full Name Qil'aoun
Also Known As The Home to All
Constructed ~579 AR
Leader Elected Council of Representatives
Current Leaders Tweldar Hlassia
Shendar Kalee
Rydarni Qrass
Polvren Thicketston
Usrile of Clan Bravefellow
Guard Unit Copperheads
Location Information
Plane Material Plane (Nonvyrox)
Continent Kyradon
Region Slycol Desert
Districts Medis Ward
Osira Ward
Luz Ward
Nashtar Ward
Points of Interest Tulya's Hovel
Lightvale Institute
Dawnlight Plaza
Pevali Pyrelight
Societal Information
Population 39,632 (in 755 AR)
  • 68% Human
  • 14% Dwarf
  • 7% Elf (Primarily Light Elf)
  • 6% Grassfolk
  • 7% Other Ancestries
  • Skulker Bands
  • Tyvalian Concord

Luz Ward

The Luz Ward is focused on industry and trade. There are mass sections of guild workshops as well as several large marketplaces where residents and vistors alike can buy all the wares they should require.

Pevali Pyrelight

Based in the center of the ward, some call the Pevali Pyrelight "The Beacon" as it was the light that guided them to a new safe home. In fact, the Pyrelight is an everlasting ember that is upheld by a small collection of independent mages. They utilise both illusion and divination magic to give people in need of hope visions of the Pyrelight. Additionally, the Pyrelight and the buildings associated with it have been dedicated as a joint temple to Flight Footed and the Starweaver.


A large forge near the center of the Luz Ward, the Raelhall is the home of several guilds focused on the crafting of strong and powerful armor and weapons. The Steelsword Alliance are determined to focus on the development and enchantment of unique pieces of metalwork, they all commonly work and trade out of the Raelhall. The large forge has two chimneys that out of the top of them bellow smoke most hours of the day. Their large forge emanates orange light throughout most hours of the day, only stopping during times of celebration.

Nashtar Ward

The Nashtar Ward is mainly focused on entertainment, however it has the most growing population, primarily due to it being on the outskirts of the city. However, the swell in population is also because the people are often the most warm and welcoming to outsiders, due to the fact that the ward is mainly comprised of people seeking refuge.

Starlight Theatre

In the centre of the current Nashtar Ward, the Starlight Theatre is an open-air amphitheatre that houses theatrical performances and large troops of performances who wish to remain connected to nature. The Theatre is owned and operated by the Reven'tal Family who have been airing productions and troops in the theatre for the past four decades since its construction.

Ven'djor Cabaret

Owned by a humble Human known primarily as The Host, the Cabaret is a place where bards and performers of all kinds can enjoy a mostly open stage for performers from all lands and cultures. The Host, and other members of the Cabaret, are known to perform themselves, with a vast array of interesting and diverse talents.



Qil'aoun has a population of 39,632 as of 755 AR .While there are other large communities in the city, the majority of its population are of human descent. 68% of the population is comprised of humans. The rest of the population breakdown is as follows: 14% dwarf, 7% elf (primarily light elf), 6% grassfolk, 7% other ancestries

Notable People

Name Pronouns Description
Tweldar Hlassia They/Them Red skinned tiefling with a prosthetic leg on their left side. Longest serving member of the Qil'aoun Council, therefore the defacto leader and also the envoy to the Tyvalin Concord
Shendar Kalee She/Her Human of Qiir'averan descent, she has curly hair and dark mahogony skin. Currently oversees trade and industry whilst being the economic leader of the Qil'aoun council.
Rydarni Qrass He/Him A Light Elf with black hair and two long streaks of white down either side of his hair. He oversees education and personal development in the Qil'aoun council.
Polvren Thicketston They/Them A Grassfolk who was changed by an Arcane Storm to have a silver-toned almost metallic skin. Currently oversees housing and development in the Qil'aoun council.
Usrile of Clan Bravefellow He/Him A large Giantkin with thick grey skin and tribal tattoo that have been turned a deep blood red due to an Arcane Storm. He oversees all forms of information and acts as the political mouthpiece of the Qil'aoun council.
Zilla Dayburst She/Her A dwarven woman with rich walnut skin, her hair tangled in braids. Whilst not a voting member of the Qil'aoun Council, Zilla attends as she oversees the military might of the Copperheads.
Matron Vera Lythan She/They An extremely pale elf with jet black hair that falls to her knees. Matron Vera is a non-voting member of the council and represents the religious people within the city. She herself is a cleric of the Raven's Blood.


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Jul 14, 2024 22:12 by Dr Emily Vair-Turnbull

I love the imagery of all the different flags hanging on/stretching across the wires. Sounds like a beautifully vibrant city.

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