The Black Sun

The Black Sun (also known as the "Bad Luck Bandits") are a small bandit group and mercenary group based out of the Fairlane Forest and led by Marv.  


The Black Sun are a somewhat criminal organisations splintered off from a simple group of mercenaries who wandered around trying to help people before settling into an easier life of crime within the Fairlane Forest, taking up residence in an old Druid Commune, relaxing some of the days and setting up simple cons on others.   There are various members of the group, though their leader Marv is one of two with any devisive powers of any means, gaining his powers from an old life of divinity towards Uvalian. Otherwise most of the other members of the group have basic training with swords and other weapons. The only other member with any sorts of powers is Moris who has some level of a sorcerous nature within their history, but its never activated correctly in their life time.  


There are only a few members of The Black Sun, however they are all loyal to a fault wanting only the best for each other.
  • Marv - A dwarven cleric of Uvalian. the de facto leader of the group, the only one with any significant levels of power, able to cast some spells, primarily healing or trickery.
  • Tarv - A brutish looking ogre, former barbarian in a fighting pit who spent much of his recent days becoming much calmer and connecting with nature, learning and becoming smarter than they look.
  • Koran - The calmest of the bunch, a light elf who spent many years as an assassin under The Cloaked Lineage. Eventually paid off his debt to The Cloaked Sovereign and ran away to the forests to reclaim his connection to the Qil'Soran light elven historical home.
  • Moris - A former high elven noble who ran away from home after their magic didn't activate in the same way as their families, as such they ran and were found by Marv.
  • Bill - A gnome who used to be a fighter for the Qil'Soran militia until he deserted and travelled west.
  • Krolin - A high elf who spent many years working as a ranger among the forsest. They were approached by Marv and asked to join the group as a way to not only protect the forest but to also help others as well.


The Black Sun were formed in 739 AR as a splinter group from the Luck Eyes, particularly under the hand of Marv. He was a follower of Uvalian who was disillusioned by the trappings of an adventurous life, especially after the death of his partner Kovran.   Marv found many people who were also wishing to escape from the trappings of the adventurer's life and chose to find a home within the Fairlane Forest, a tranquil place where the group could live and start a small commune near where an old druidic circle once laid rest. The Traveller's Grove became the home of the bandits in 740 AR, and they have spent their days committing to some cons to either garner better equipment, money, or both which they then decide to either keep or help a small village to the south.   While some see The Black Sun as a group of nothing greater than cunning thieves, the people of Korda see them as their fortunate saviors and frequently send a misguided adventurer or two to allow them to get a better understanding of what it means to be a hero, in the unlikeliest of circumstances.   In 741 AR, there was an attack on The Traveller's Grove by members of The Order of Shadows, one or the original members of the group, named Coral, was killed and taken away by the rangers who attacked the commune. There are still many of the members who have a devout passion to destroying those who attacked the group, however they haven't been able to recover from both the attack and many chance raids by The Vanguard, who also wish to see the downfall of the group.   Unfortunately, another tragedy struck in 743 AR, there were many members of The Black Sun at this point, approximately 25 who all resided within the Traveller's Grove. A group of outsiders entered the camp as friends until one interacted with a former member of the Black Sun who went by the name Simoné at the Temple of the Lone Guard. Upon the completion of a deal with the entity that Simoné worked for, she and several other members of The Black Sun turned into salt water in front of others. This devestated not only the numbers within the group, but also many members who had become close to these members, the true nature of these members remains in question by the remaining members.
The Black Sun
Faction Image
Basic Information
Type Mercenary and Bandit Group
Base Fairlane Forest
Leaders Marv
Formed 739 AR
Membership Information
Total Members ~10
Classes Ranger
Notable Members Trav
Enemies Order of Shadows
The Vanguard


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