Teleportation Rubber Tree Species in Noo | World Anvil
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Teleportation Rubber Tree

This article contains names of Forest Peoples origin. As they can speak with two voices at the same time, I use a special notation where letters between slashes are pronounced at once. For example SH/iu/lm/lu/ar/ki is pronounced Sillak and Humuri simultaneously.
  Noo's plants have developed many ways to reproduce through millenia, improving their abilities to spread their seeds over large areas. Even the most remote islands are inhabitated by species who managed to send their seeds through thousands of kilometers of ocean, but the case we are talking now is special, the teleportation rubber tree (TRT) can be found at any wet biome below 20º of latitude, which means it breaks records being able to find them in 27 continents. The name gives a clue about how they do it, although no one in Noo calls them like that. The tree has hundreds of names depending the region but there's no common way to call it so I gave it a general name. Forest Peoples, who most use the tree often call it RN/et/ou/si or A./rS/oa/wh/el/.u. Other peoples who know about the plant are the Cave Peoples, who call it Susu, and some of the Aurora Peoples call it Nxenxo.  


  The sap of the TRT can form a latex substance way more elastic than usual latexes, so elastic that it can stretch over the spacetime and teleport many kilometers away. If the sap covers small objects, it can teleport them too, and thanks to that, the tree can spread their seeds so far. Once a year, many capsules that can be mistaken for small flowers grow from the tree. They are in fact teleportation capsules with the seeds inside. They travel by teleportation to random directions in an unknown range of distance (at least 2500km). Most of the seeds are sent to space, or buried into the mantle, and only a few ones end into the atmosphere and fall to the ground. For this reason, TRT have reached all the places of the world where climate allows them to grow. Teleportation also protects the tree from the environment, for example many birds refuse to build their nest in those trees in order to prevent their eggs to disappear, and termites can be thrown into the magma under the continental plate if they try to attack the wood.   In colder parts of Noo where TRT don't grow, the seeds are famous, but the properties of the plant are unknown, so people interpret them in very different ways depending on the place. While in Aemin culture in the Second West the seeds have a celestial origin, and accidentally fell from sky gardens, so they refuse to grow in the impure earthly soil, most people of the First East call them "dumb seeds" because they can't grow and also can't be used to feed animals, which know the dangers of the plant.    
    ...and then Dü Lü arrived to a poor village.   For three years it only rained "dumb seeds" there,   so people had nothing to eat.   Dü Lü sold the seeds to four young noblemen,   Dü Lü made them believe they'd achieve inmortality,   and the villagers could finally eat.   One hundred years later, the noblemen realized they had been deceived...
— Fragment of the Dü Lü Heroic Feats, where the seeds are mentioned.

Uses and Technology


Forest Peoples

TRT portal hydraulic central
by Muunokhoi
The image shows a young portal operator repairing a fault in a hydraulic central in TA/sr/uz/la/li/ui/kl, Sixth West. Forest Peoples have found many uses for TRT portals, one of them providing kinetic energy by creating infinite falls.
  TRT unique characteristics have been used for centuries with many applications, and have become essential to technology for some civilizations. Forest Peoples were the first to discover the tree and use the teleportation latex to send little objects (seed size), mainly money or NN/ua/mr/.o, which is a system of little stones with particular shapes and colours used to teleport messages, creating the first telecommunications in history. The true revolution came with the invention of the circle portals, in which a complex process using cutted slices of the trunk covered with latex creates a connected pair of portals. This allowed them to transport objects to anywhere in the world. By perfecting techniques they obtained the same effect with other species of trees covered in TRT latex with thicker trunks, and nowadays there are portals between two and five meters of diameter, where people and big objects can travel between continents instantly. This advantage improved Forest Peoples societies so much that since they emigrated from the Seventh West, they realized their civilization was more efficient than the neighbors and now they are conquering half of the world.  

Cave Peoples

Cave Peoples also use TRT to a smaller extent than Forest Peoples. Due to the reproduction method roots can be found sometimes in caves far from the surface where the seeds were teleported there. They don't germinate as there's no sun, and can't create portals, but small amounts of sap remain there as a result of the teleportation, and Cave Peoples can collect them. Recently Cave Peoples have started to buy portals from Forest Peoples in some places, which are very helpful on the rambling cave systems where they live.

Aurora Peoples

Although Aurora Peoples live in high latitudes where TRT doesn't grow, they sometimes catch the seeds at the moment of the teleportation in their ethereal form. Only a minority of people trained and experienced in ethereal forms can catch them, which are the Huruihurui priests, but they haven't developed many complex technology. The most outstanding creation is their latex clothes which according to them, allow to teleport the user without portal, but how they do remains secret. If you wear these clothes without Huruihurui training you may be teleported randomly hundreds of kilometers away ,split in two becoming a portal, or get dermatitis if you are allergic to latex.
by Muunokhoi
TRT in a plantation in L./u./zS/ua/ui, Sixth West. The Sap can be extracted by cutting the cortex of the tree or by gathering the capsules when they appear. Small portals are attached to the trees so the sap instantly travels from the tree to a factory where it's artificially converted into teleportation latex.
Geographic distribution: They can be found in wild forests between 20ºS to 20ºN, in equatorial and tropical climates, from the Seventh to the First West, from the First to the Seventh East, and also in many remote islands between continents. Plantations only exist in the Sixth and Fifth Wests, and the Seventh to Fifth Easts.   Average size: 30m of height. The trunk goes from 30 to 80cm.   Lifespan: Around 50 years. The sap loses teleportation properties at 30 years, so in plantations they are usually cut down then.

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Cover image: by Muunokhoi


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Mar 23, 2021 20:24 by Catoblepon

Its a really cool article! I love how you represented the voices and now I'm curious about the aurora people. The art is amazing as always and the TRT portal hydraulic central looks so pretty!

Visit Daeliha, Iphars, Khulgran & Shattered
Love to code, but this one is driving me crazy!
My world Shattered won as the "Most ground-breaking premise new world"!
Mar 23, 2021 22:39

Thank you so much! I'll try to write the Seven Peoples' articles soon!

Mar 23, 2021 23:38 by Juan Belío

Every new idea of yours is astounding! It's always the best to see people play to their strengths and I can't think of someone who does it quite like you. I love the language, the tree, and the relations between people. Also,   FOREST PEOPLE DOMINANCE

Mar 24, 2021 13:13

Thank you for your support ^^, now I'm motivated to continue the article of the Forest Peoples, I'm also glad you became a Forest People imperialist

Mar 25, 2021 22:01

Hello! This was a great entry for the challenge, and a just as great introduction to your world for a neophyte. As mentioned by others, that language of two voices is a great and original idea. The idea of a teleporting plant is surprising, and works well.   In addition, your artworks are great, and make the read more pleasant. I also liked your small bits of humor here and there!   I haven't read the rest of your world, but I gather teleportation through portal is a relatively common phenomenon there? How precise is it? Do you first need to go to the two places to connect them through a portal? What is the smallest portal one can create: can it be used as a weapon? As a medical tool?

With love,   Pouaseuille.
Mar 26, 2021 23:55

Hello! Thank you so much for your comment! Noo is in a moment of its history where portals are getting more and more common. It's true you have to bring the portal where you want to go the first time, and there's also weapons who use this technology. There are mini portals built with the branches of the tree, microscopic portals made with sticks, and also there are medical uses for TRT portals, but I don't have all aspects clear for now. I'm thinking and fixing some things before doing portal and space articles, explaining some physics and expanding the list of uses.

Mar 30, 2021 11:23 by Kaleidechse

This is a fascinating species! I love those details like teleporting termites into the magma, or the tale of Dü Lü and the dumb seeds. And heh, the last bit about the side effects of the clothing had me laugh - nice contrast between the teleportation-related effects and the rather mundane dermatitis risk! Also, the surrounding lore is really interesting - the language using two voices at the same time, the technologies built from the TRT, the insights into the different peoples' cultures... Guess I need to stick around and learn more!

Creator of the Kaleidoscope System and the planet Miragia.
Apr 5, 2021 12:12

Thank you for your comment, and welcome to Noo!

Apr 3, 2021 22:09

What a great concept! The way the seeds get transported and how the tree keeps away dangers is very cool. I also like the uses that the people have found for it. The fact that they can use the portals to create kinectic energy is the one that stood out for me, that is such a good use of the portals.   The art and the special naming system you added were some great additions as well. My only remark would be that some words seems to be missing in sentences ' no one in Noo calls like that' should have 'them' added. In all great and original article!

Feel free to check my new world Terra Occidentalis if you want to see what I am up to!
Apr 5, 2021 15:17

Thank you! That's right, I have to be more careful when writing, but I'm glad you like the article!

Apr 11, 2021 20:49 by Amélie I. S. Debruyne

Great article and nice tree! I love the different interpretation people have on the seeds and the quote that you have XD   "termites can be thrown into the magma under the continental plate if they try to attack the wood." Do the tree chose where they teleport stuff? You say that the seeds are sent to random stuff but that termites are sent in the magma.   " one of them providing kinetic energy by creating infinite falls." This is a great idea! I love that :D   " This advantage improved Forest Peoples societies so much that since they emigrated from the Seventh West, they realized their civilization was more efficient than the neighbors and now they are conquering half of the world." Lol Natural progression XD   " If you wear these clothes without Huruihurui training you may be teleported randomly hundreds of kilometers away ,split in two becoming a portal, or get dermatitis if you are allergic to latex." Love that XD Do the clothes also ever teleport alone without their owner? Either while people are wearing them or while they are in the wardrobe?   Do the trees themselves never teleport? Even if there is very bad weather or a big catastrophe like a volcanic eruption or a forest fire?   I also like the naming with the two voices, this is very cool both as an idea and with how it looks on the page :D Though it does make it impossible for us to read, and even just looking at the name I have troubles recognising the words when they are mentioned again later. Maybe I just need to get used to it? Or maybe you could add a tooltips above the names: for example SH/iu/lm/lu/ar/ki iwith the tooltip Sillak/Humuri? Though having very different first letter also helps (like you do with the names in that article), but then you are rather limited in the number of words you can have ;p

Apr 17, 2021 20:35

Hi! Thank you for your comment! :D The tree also teleports randomly the termites, but their chance to survive is smaller than seeds which is small (about 5%). The seeds can resist a fall into atmosphere (closer to surface enough to not burn due to the air) and float large distances in oceans, which I guess termites can't. Respect to Huruihurui clothes, after the process of manufacture they need the bringer to activate. Trained Aurora Peoples can do it, it's like a mental power they have. I want to do an article about them someday because they are also very cute. I didn't consider the trees teleporting themselves while writing XD, which would have been great, but the way I made the sap work, It would require more latex than the tree can produce in a short time to teleport itself. May be leafs or branches could do it, but in this case teleporting seeds is more useful. About the double language transcription, the reading is a bit difficult, but listening two voices is also quite confusing, so I think it matches this way. Next time I can put tooltips. Thank you again for the questions and appreciations, I'm happy for your interest ^^

Apr 16, 2021 19:19 by Michael Chandra

Real neat trees, and nice way some learned to use them!

Too low they build who build beneath the stars - Edward Young
Apr 17, 2021 20:36

Thank you! :DD